Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

Nini and Zack finally stopped fighting after an hour. Zack went back to playing his games while angrily grumbling under his breath and Nini took a seat on the couch, lifting my head and laying it on her lap before she started to play with my hair.

She was also grumbling under her breath and looked to be deep in thought but that didn't stop her from being very gentle with me. Even playing with my wolf ears.

Being sick and having my hair softly played with was very relaxing. So much so that it didn't take me long to fall asleep.


Opening my eyes, I realized that I'm back in the forest. Sitting up, I let out a small whine as I rubbed my head. What am I doing back here? That dragon could still be here.

The dragon. I paled just thinking about it. It's probably still out here, looking for me. I should probably find a hiding place and waiting this out. Getting eating by a giant lizard isn't in my todo list.

Standing up, I quickly went a random direction. The forest was still beautiful with the tall green trees but unlike last time, it looks like it has gotten darker, even though I can't see the sun due to all the leaves.

And it looks like I woke up in a different spot. No where near where I was last time.

I can't hear the river or a dragon. Nor do I see the shadow of a dragon flying around which is weird since dragons are known to stop at nothing to hunt and kill any trespasses on their land.

So, A) I somehow managed to escape the dragon by pure luck, B) something really fishy is going on here. And I don't wanna know what it is, or C) the dragon is still looking for me and is really to make me meet my maker. Fun.

Let's talk about something else. Dragons can smell fear and desperate.

So, with the small knowledge that I have, I know that this place is not in fact heaven since I'm pretty sure that I'm not dead because I was find a couple of minutes ago until I fell asleep. Which is too bad cause I really wanted to haunt Arthur and his bloodline as a ghost for all eternity.

I bet being a ghost would be fun. Not having to deal with people, no rules to follow, messing with people all the time, and you can explore the world for free! I always wanted to explore outside the pack's territory.

But, then again, it would be pretty lonely after a while. And after a while it'll probably get boring and you can't eat anything. I do like my chicken nuggets.

Huff, what does everything have to get so complicating and boring?

Being a werewolf is semi-fun if you can turn into a giant wolf and run as long as your heart contents but I can't shift into my wolf form so there's that.

I wish I could shift but that's probably never gonna happen. I have too much silver in my blood to shift. Weak body equals no turning into a giant sack of fur.

Speaking of werewolves. I paused, sniffing the air and smelled the scent of a werewolf. Great, first a dragon and now another werewolf? Could this day get any better!?

I should ask them for help, I'm already done with these weird dreams. I should ask Ben to make me a dreamless potion or something.

Sniffing the air again, I followed the wolf's scent until I reached a clearing.

Stopping at the very edge, a small shiver running down my spine. In the middling the said clearing, there was a giant cave opening.

It could be the dragons's den but I don't smell its scent anywhere only the werewolves and...something else...something more dangerous.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes, thinking of a plan until this big blond fur wolf walked out of the cave, yawning as it shook itself awake. Even though it looked cute and innocent, warning signs went off in my head. The wolf was large, alpha height and it  had an aura of death and destruction.

It looked around for a bit, looking for something with tired eyes but didn't find what it was looking for. It's head tilted, obviously confused.

Then, it turn its head when hearing soft footsteps come from behind them. It didn't take long for a giant brown tiger to trot out of the cave and stood next to the Alpha.

I froze, my heart going a million miles per hour as I watched the tiger licked the wolves head. The wolf seemed to enjoy it, basking in all the attention until I accidentally stepped on a stick while trying to escape and it loudly snapped.

Their heads snapped at my direction. When our eyes met, everyone paused. Not moving an inch or tearing our eyes away from each other.

I could hear my heart pounding again my chest, my mind racing as I tried to form a plan.

When the wolf decided to take a step closer to me, I took this chance and once again, booked it like my life dependent on it. And unlike last time, they gave chase.

Hearing them chase after me, I ran like demons were nipping at my heels. Turning around I only saw the wolf not that far behind. Where did that tiger go!?

My goddess, I hate this place! This is literally hell in disguise! Why are all these dangerous creatures here!? I'm here running all over the place like a headless chicken!

Hearing the footsteps get closer to me, I took a sharp right. I looked over my shoulder and saw  the wolf going flying past me and into a couple of bushes. It huff, getting back up and shaking the leaves off its beautiful blond fur.

I celebrated in my head, but it was short lived when I turned back around and saw the tiger lunging right at me!

The wind was knock right out of me when the tiger sent me crashing down and pinned me down. Letting out a small groan and opened my eyes to see the tiger right on top of me, face to face.

My eyes grew wide, staring up at the beast as it stared back down at me. Licking its lips, showing its huge teeth that can bite off my head at any moment.

I'm happy to say that when the brown fur tiger let out a small growl, I fainted.


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