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"My mom likes this song too." I knew the 9 year old had been stood watching me for the past few minutes just by the shadow being cast into the rectangular beam of sunset from the doorway. Just stood there silently watching causing no harm. Truth be told I'd had very few run ins with Hallie but the ones I'd had left me laughing and smiling. She's just a little shy but not enough for it to win her over and by the end of conversations she's excited, jumping around about whatever it is. I don't normally like kids but Hallie is an exception. 

"Does she?" 

"Mhm." I dropped the horses hoof back to the floor, standing up and stretching my back out. 

"Does your mom know you're down here?" 

"Pops does. I'm looking for her." I nodded. "Have you seen her?" 

"No, but her tack isn't on the hook so she's probably out on a ride." 


"She left you behind?" 

"I was at camp. Pops said she'd probably be back now." Hallie peered over the tools, holding her hands behind her back. She knew better than to touch anything on the farm without being told to. Some of the shit we have out here is dangerous enough to snap off my arm never mind someone as tiny as her. "What are you doing?" 

"Cleaning out Storm's hoofs." 


"Because-" I pulled up the next leg, closing my thighs around it and grabbing for the right tool. Storm was so chill with stuff like this. One of the oldest horses around here and he just so happens to be the one I painted when me and Sadie were together. It wasn't anything serious and the paint was animal friendly and as much as Sadie hates to admit it, she loved it. "All this is mud and -" 

"Ewww. Is that poop?!" I chuckled at her. 

"Yeah. Mud and poop. If we don't keep it nice and clean we can get an infection in the foot." 

"And that's bad?" 

"Yeah. Very bad." She goes quiet, watching as I clean and scrub, grabbing for the nippers. 

"What are those?" 

"Nippers" She let out tiny gasps as I trimmed the hoof. "It doesn't hurt. It's like cutting your nails." 

"I don't like having my nails cut." 

"You don't?" 

"No. Sometimes I catch them and mom has to file them short." 

"Shorts easier when you're working on the farm. If you catch long nails sometimes they can snap and that hurts or you can hurt an animal if they're moving about." 

"That makes sense. Are you done now?"

"One more left." 

"Can I do it?" 

"Sorry kid. Your mom would kill me if she saw me letting you do something like this and she hates me enough right now." 

"My mom doesn't hate you." I looked up at her for a second. "She doesn't. Told me herself." Something tells me her mom's a liar.  "Do you know my dad?" I stopped for a second, no idea what they'd told Hallie or what had happened with her dad. This wasn't my place to be answering questions like this at all. 

"Do you think I know him?" She huffs. 

"I don't know." 

"Do you know him?" I ask. Probably not something I should be asking but I'm genuinely curious as to how much information I can get out of a kid who has no idea that people know so little about the circumstances that landed her here. 

"I don't think so. Mom never talks about him and I just thought I didn't have one but I heard the other guys talking the other day that babies don't just turn up and then I think one of them hit the other over the head with a plastic bottle." I chuckle, sliding Storm's leg back onto the floor and standing up. "What I don't understand is all my friends back in Montrose and the kids at camp, they all have 2 parents. A mom and a dad or a mom and a mom or a dad and a dad. But I just have 1. I've only had mom. All this time. She didn't have Auntie Brynn or Pops or you." 

"Well I don't think it matters how many you've got." 

"You don't?" I shook my head, grabbing a brush and holding it out for her to help me brush Storm down a little. It seems like something she'd enjoy. 

"I've only got one." 

"You do?" 

"Mhm. Just me and my mom. Your mom only has Pops." 

"Yeah but that's because nana died."

"Yeah, but your mom still only had Pops since she was younger than you." 

"Did you know my nana?" 

"A little. I remember her being very loud, sassy like your mom and she made the best Cherry Pie I've ever tasted." Hallie giggles beside me. "Ever been on the back of a horse without a saddle?" 



"I can?" I shrug. 

"Might make your mom talk to me." Hallie narrows her eyes at me and I chuckle, seeing her mother right there. That face is one I've seen enough times to have it burned into my memory. "Come 'ere." I take the brush out of her hand, lifting her up onto the back of the horse that couldn't give less of a damn if he tried. I took the lead rope, creating a super quick set of reins. "There you go. You know how to ride right?" 

"Mom taught me." 

"I knew she woulda done." I tugged the Storm's head up, holding onto one set of the halter to guide them both. "You good?" Hallie giggled on the back of the horse, infecting me until I was laughing at her. Each step sent her into a fit of laughter but when Storm stopped in his tracks, turning to sort an itch right by her leg, it turned to hysterical laughter. I'm talking tears and struggling to breath and I couldn't do a damn thing for watching her. 

Just over Hallie's shoulder, Sadie finally returned. Hair all windswept, the pink glow on her cheeks that tells me she's had River working like mad today. What neither of us expect is for the unexpected appearance of a plastic bag to fly across the yard. A move that wouldn't normally effect anything, except apparently Storm was already on edge and the fast movement spooks him. I feel his head raise too quickly, instantly making me drop him and wrap and arm around Hallie, getting us both out the way as he bucks, running off towards the south fields. 

"Shit." I take Hallie and sit her high in a tree, out the way and out of any flying hoofs. "Do not move from here until someone comes for you." She nods and I take off trying to chase a runaway horse. 

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