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"Oh for fucks sake." Fallon dipped her hand into the bowl, rummaging around in the pile of papers for her choice, pulling it out and handing it to me to read. 

"Text your parents a secret you've lied to them about." The group burst into laughter. Out of us all, Fallon had the most secrets from her parents and for damn good reasoning. They had always been strict with her and her siblings and the things Fallon got up to whilst sneaking out with us weren't exactly on her list of things she was allowed to do. Her eyes went wide and I chuckled. "You can do it or forfeit for 3 shots." 

"Forfeit. I'd rather die than admit a damn thing to them." The guys didn't wait, pouring the shots out and Fallon downed them like a trouper. One straight after the other before stealing my beer out of my hand to chase them down. 

As much as we used to drink in fields or whatever as kids, it feels different now. These guys all have experience in getting flat out wasted beyond comprehension at college. But I spent the same years bottle feeding a screaming baby at 3am. They've had to teach me all these games and this is by far the easiest to have grasped so far. Get the ping pong ball in the plastic cup and drink the beer. Miss and you have to pick a dare outta the bowl and do it or forfeit for the shots stated on the dare. Easy. So far half the group are wasted and we're 4 rounds in. Its the most fun I've had in forever and Ryder being stood next to me still smelling of chlorine and the apple juice Hallie dumped over him as a prank earlier on that landed in her being pushed in the pool. Again. 

If today had taught me anything its that I need to get a pool built at the house for next year. Hallie's smile today will be beyond worth the money I'd have to spend on it. 

"I'll grab you another drink." Ryder's voice is so much lighter today. It's been quiet unserious whispers, pushing each other in the pool or getting Hallie to dump juice over him and laughing when he tossed her over his shoulder. They seem to have formed this immediate bond I hadn't been expecting and I don't think it's selfish for me to say that I like that she's the only kid who's had his attention today. Kyle and Noah were here with their kids. Kids I know he's practically uncles to with how often he sees them and how close he is to the guys. But he barely looked at them all day because he's been chasing Hallie around like they were both on crack. She's taught him a handshake that's apparently a secret for just them. He sat on the floor in the front yard whilst they ate dinner. The two of them picking at clovers to find a 4 leaf one like he promised he could find.  

"Okay. Your go Sades." I'd missed every single shot this far. I've got terrible aim when I'm sober, let alone when I've spent the entire day sipping on beers and Brynn's boozy lemonade. I grab the ball and aren't even surprised when it lands in the pool this time. Brynn chuckles as Noah and Fallon bicker about her going to get it, just holding the bowl out across the table for me to grab my dare. 

"I'm starting to think you're missing on purpose so you don't need to drink." 

"The dares are just too easy. The last one was to dance on the table, like I don't do that daily with Hal. One before that was to prank call someone and you know as well as me there' too many people in this town that piss me off and deserve to be woken up at midnight." 

"Sarah's gonna be fuming around town tomorrow to find out who it was." Brynn bit down on her lip as she laughed, pushing the bowl a little closer when I was struggling. Ryder held onto my hip, saving me from face planting the wood and ending the night covered in whatever concoctions had been poured into the plastic cups a few inches away. "But, I did put some in there that I know will be hard. Even for you." 

"Doubt it." I smiled, opening the paper and eating my words instantly. Kiss someone of the opposite sex or 6 shots. 6. I would die. I can barely handle one. 

"What is it?" Brynn smirked and I shot her a glare. I know what game she's playing I bet most of them in here say this just because she's a bitch who is so having salt put in her tea when she comes over next. I turned it around and she immediately let out a sharp laugh. I screwed it up, tossing it across at her. 

"6. Are you fucking trying to kill me?!" 

"Then just do the dare, problem solved." 

"What's the dare?" Fallon gripped onto the end of the table. Out of everyone still here I have minimal options. Ryder is obviously a no go. Noah has been crushing on Fallon for decades and she's right on the precipice of snapping herself. Kissing him would cause issues. Jake's married. Jonah has always been a little weird with me and I'm sure I saw him throw up earlier. The 4 other guys are all smokers and I might actually be sick if I touch them. Fuck. 

I spun around a little too quick, needing Ryder to steady me. I can't be serious about doing this, can I? I mean, I'm sure 6 shots will go down just as easy as one. 

But Brynn set this up. She knew what my options were and I'm no quitter. Apparently. She probably isn't expecting me to actually do it. But I do. I take a deep breath, push up onto my tip toes, wrap my hands around his top to keep myself stable and kiss him. He freezes under me and for the 3 seconds my lips are on his the world freezes. 

It's the quickest of kisses but one that gives me a spark to light a fire inside of me. His stubble pressed into my face, having him that close, after spending the whole day laughing and watching him bond with Hallie? It's made me feel more drunk than anything I've had today. But when I pull away and step back down to my feet I have to make Brynn believe her little trick didn't work or I will literally never live this down. 

"Okay, I think I'm done for the night since you're playing dirty." My heart is still thundering in my chest but I manage to push through the way I just fucked with my own head and get my words out smooth and clear. "I've got a 10 year old that's gonna be screaming the house down at 11am when her Pops drops her off and I would prefer to be a little more sober when she does." 

"Spoil sport." I toss an empty cup at Brynn. 

"I'd watch your tea next time you come over. I might mix the salt and sugar up." Brynn chuckled, shooing me off and I dipped through the group of people who were too drunk and invested in their conversations to care about whatever else was going on. Fallon started shouting at the table about it being Noah's turn and if I hadn't have pulled that dare out, I'd have loved to have seen him pull it and kiss her. It might just be the move she needs to get it. 

I'm barely out of the front yard when Ryder grabs the hand by my side as I walk, pulling until I turn to face him. 

"You can't kiss me and walk out." Ryder's eyes search mine and I know I should tell him it meant nothing, it was just the dare and I couldn't do the shots and Brynn was just being her usual cocky self. But I don't. I'm frozen, drunk on 3 seconds of having my lips on his and he doesn't look mad like I expected him to.  His jaw clenches and in the half a second it takes me to open and close my eyes in a blink, both his hands are holding my face and his lips are on mine. 

It's hot and hard and if I was drunk on the first one I don't even know what this was. My stomach doesn't just flip, it takes flight. My heart is filled with helium, floating off into the atmosphere, my brain is screaming but like the noise from Brynn's backyard, it's all too muffled over the blood rushing through my ears that I can't hear a thing. 

Ryder lets go of my face with one hand, moving it around my waist and pulling until I stumble against his chest, pushing myself up and wrapping my arms around his neck as I try to breath in but it comes out as more of a gasp for air. Ryder slides his tongue into my mouth and I don't fight it. I melt into every single place his body is against mine until I'm just a puddle on the floor.  

After a lifetime of tasting the 0% beer on his tongue, Ryder pushes his forehead against mine, breathing heavy and fast but I can't take in a single thing. 

"Don't stop." I beg. He kisses me again quickly. 

"I wasn't intending on it Sunflower, don't worry. I just need to get you home and away from everyone's eyes." I nod. I'm not ready for him to stop kissing me like that right now. I'm not ready to not have Ryder even if it's just until I sober up and he's gone again. Even if it's just for right now and this is the last time for good. 

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