Crime & Chaos Part 6

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The car is stationary now.

They heard Wen Qing shout to the valet, very much on purpose, "Look after my car! It's very special to me!"

So they wait in silence, hardly daring to breathe. It's a genius plan, even if Wei WuXian says so himself. No overenthusiastic lackey is going to search the Boss' niece's car, and that's going to be their biggest mistake.

When the car door shuts, and they can hear footsteps leading away, Wei WuXian puts a hand on Lan Zhan's shoulder, to catch his attention. It's so dark in here, with barely any light and yet he can see the deep shining pools of Lan Zhan's eyes staring back at him, patiently waiting for him to speak.

Over these last few weeks, they've gotten to know each other a bit better, and there's an unspoken truce between them. Neither mentions the night on the island, but politeness is the new barrier. Wei WuXian doesn't want to jeopardise their friendship, if it can be called that, and talk about feelings.

Maybe once all of this is over, then he can think about it. Maybe even have an adult conversation with Lan Zhan, and ask him if he's willing to think about something long term. If it's a no, then it's a no, and Wei WuXian will just pick himself up off the floor and continue with his life. It's no biggie.

", I feel like this needs to be said," God, why is his voice so shaky? Ugh! But he continues valiantly. "We don't know what's out there, but if it comes to it, if anything happens and we get separated, if you get the chance to leave with the goods, then do it. Don't worry about me, I'll deal with whatever the situation is here. Agreed?"

He's holding his breath, waiting for Lan Zhan to answer. When it comes, he's surprised.

"Are you asking me to leave you here?"

"Well, obviously not on purpose, it's just that, you know, no hard feelings." Lan Zhan's voice is doing things to his stomach, and it must be the dark and this similarity to the-night-we-don't-talk-about, because Wei WuXian can detect incredulity in his tone.

"No hard feelings." Lan Zhan echoes.

"Yeah," why does he feel like a breathless teenager hanging onto every word of her crush in the most pathetic way? Jeez...and he can't stop talking, either. "Just because, there's no way to predict what we have to face, logistics, unexpected surprises and all, so I'm just telling you, if you have to ditch me, then do it. We're here for you, and we're never gonna get this chance again, so I just wanted us both to be on the same page. That's all." His voice peters out as he runs out of steam.

"Then in all fairness, I must extract the same promise from you."

Lan Zhan sounds clinical and detached.

Wei WuXian can do that too, clinical and detached.

"Absolutely. You can trust me to run away with the goods without looking back. It'll be another point on the score sheet, right?" He laughs but it sounds off, awkward.

This time, Lan Zhan moves.

He presses the button to disable the alarm on the extra set of keys that Wen Qing handed to him before, when she said the car wouldn't lock if the keys were still inside, as a safety feature.

Then, they are a flurry of motion.

Wei WuXian has to confess, the action parts of everything they do is the most appealing for him. The adrenaline rush is incomparable to anything else, and coupled with facing challenges and beating them, coming out on the other side with the prize in hand, beats any other high. Not even standing in front of a stadium full of fans would feel like this rush.

The blueprints showed the elevator which will take them down is located in the private office of Wen Ruohan himself, hidden behind a tall enough picture that doubles as a door.

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