A Piece Of Cake Part 6

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Wei Ying catches Lan Zhan just in time, as Jiang Cheng arrives. He swears under his breath as Wei Ying wraps his arms around Lan Zhan, swaying slightly so it looks as if they're dancing.

Jiang Cheng makes his way over to his side.

“XiChen said to keep him away from alcohol.” It sounds accusing.

“You should have seen him!” Nie Huaisang pops up out of nowhere, fanning himself. “Wei-Xiong told Jin ZiXun that he couldn't drink, but Jin ZiXun started a verbal fight. WangJi-Xiong took Wei-Xiong's drink and drank it for him! It was awesome!” He gushes. “I got it all!” He waves his phone at Jiang Cheng.

“I remember he was always a lightweight when it came to drinking,” Wei Ying says fondly, feeling protective of the man in his arms. “But you are NOT going to post that!”

“As if I would!” Huaisang clutches his chest as if wounded. “It IS my brother's wedding, too, you know!”

Wei Ying smiles dangerously, and it's enough to get the message across. He thinks about Lan Zhan instead.

He had only ever seen the man drunk on one occasion back in Uni, and even then, XiChen had come to his rescue.

“Do you think we can wrap up the photo side of tonight?” He whispers to Jiang Cheng, as Lan Zhan moans faintly, clutching his head.

Jiang Cheng looks around for Mo XuanYu. “Yeah, it should be fine. I'll let A-Yu know and he can take some stills if we need them. Besides, this,” he gestures at the wobbling Lan Zhan, “isn't our fault. I'm going to inform XiChen about his guest choice and see if we can make changes. Abuse to our staff won't be tolerated. And you're my brother. That makes it strike two.”

“Thanks, Cheng Cheng! You do love me!” Wei Ying teases him.

“Mn. I do,” Lan Zhan replies, his beautiful golden eyes unfocused and a little duller.

Wei Ying freezes. Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes and leaves.

There's no way Lan Zhan knows what he's talking about, as dazed as he looks.

It's unnerving for Wei Ying to see that his usual intensity is missing as he grapples for purchase and decides that Wei Ying is the only sure, solid thing he can hang onto. He rests his arms on Wei Ying’s shoulders, their faces incredibly close.

“Ah…Lan Zhan…how do you feel?” He asks, worried about the taller man.

Like this, Lan Zhan somehow makes himself appear more vulnerable and smaller, curling into Wei Ying as if seeking shelter.

“Thirsty,” Lan Zhan replies, looking down at Wei Ying’s lips.

“Okay, let's get you seated.” Wei Ying manoeuvres him to a chair, but Lan Zhan manages to flip them over at the last second, so he's sitting on Wei Ying’s lap instead, and looking incredibly smug about it, too.

There's a little smile tugging at the corners of his pink lips, and Wei Ying struggles to remain calm. He's desperately aware of the whispers and looks they are getting, and he's not quite sure what to do about it.

The happy couple are still dancing as far as he knows, further away than he would've liked, but either way, he doubts he would have gotten them to take over Lan Zhan’s supervision now, especially because today is meant to be their special day. It isn't fair to anyone, and not only that, Wei Ying feels responsible because Lan Zhan drank for him.

His Knight in shining armour. He'd heard about this kind of chivalry from a TV show, and thought nothing of it back then, never guessing that anyone would ever do that for him. It's a real turn on, and Lan Zhan was super hot when he was putting that guy in his place. Wei Ying shivers, trying to cool down parts of him that don't need to be paying attention right now.

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