The Voice of the Soul Part 6

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Second Verse

September came around and enrolments were on the horizon, along with orientation and organising themselves around their classes, practising with the band (though that time was being thoroughly squeezed), studying, homework, and actual working which gave them some kind of spending money.

The only reason why Wei Ying was attending the same school as Jiang Cheng was because he won a scholarship in literature and English was his guilty pleasure; both Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian were adamant that their children would leave university with a business degree, something to fall back on because the music industry could not be relied upon, career-wise.

Lan Zhan switched schools and didn't tell anyone, mostly because he didn't want to lie and because it never came up in the many conversations he'd had with his uncle - the reason it had never come up was because Uncle Qiren expected and assumed Lan Zhan was going to attend the same prestigious business school that XiChen had been educated in - he never asked, so Lan Zhan didn't have to answer, in his opinion.

Huaisang attended the same school and started off with a rock solid business course and he learned the basics, but it wasn't ideal for him, and he ended up switching to fashion design after the first year. He, too, thought it was pointless mentioning the transition to his older brother because that would definitely result in a fight, and Huaisang hated confrontations.

MianMian was already well on her way to an art degree and she shared a few classes with Huaisang, bonding over awful fashion and the latest trope to hit the high streets.

All of them usually tried to meet up, either during the scrambled lunches in the uni cafeteria, or in someone's apartment or dorm rooms in the evenings, and ordering take-out. .

Lan Zhan rented out an apartment on the edges of their university and shared it with Wei Ying, and nothing had changed in their relationship yet. They still tried to spend as much time together as possible, but the fast approaching adulthood was leeching on their availability to each other, against their will.

It was at one of these scarce lunchtimes that Wei Ying looked up and saw a familiar pair of brown eyes next to him.

"Hey! Don't I know you?" He exclaims, tugging the boy down so that he has half of Wei Ying's chair to sit on.

The cafeteria is full and there are no chairs available, hence the panic in the boy's eyes about where he is going to sit down for his lunch. It is busy enough here that many students were standing around or just moving outside to make a picnic out of it.

Jiang Cheng has to move a bit to his left so that Wei Ying is sitting half on his and half on his own seat, the remaining half offered to the new boy.

They all shuffle down the table to make room for this new addition to their group, and they're used to it by now because this isn't the first time Wei Ying has done this.

Lan Zhan is sitting opposite them and fighting the urge to either, a) kick the chair so this stranger isn't sitting so close to Wei Ying, or b) offer up his own chair so that Wei Ying will be forced to sit closer to him. He's just about to put forward option B when Wei Ying introduces him.

"Lan Zhan, you remember Wen Ning, don't you? We met him and his scary sister at the songwriting camp, earlier this year!"

Lan Zhan recalls them but only vaguely; those two weeks of heaven were filled with just Wei Ying, and he's ready to fight anyone who disagrees.

"Mn." It's not exactly a lie. Bite him.

Wei Ying's smile lights up his whole face, and Lan Zhan can only think, I did that. I made Wei Ying look like that.

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