How They Would Be When Your On Your 🩸

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- Not know much of what to do because he barley knows about them
- Get you chocolate from the DX when coming home from school
- Cuddle you
- Ask about it

- Dis poor boy knows nothing about it 
- He cuddles you and naps with you
- His heart hurts when you wince from cramps

- Would kinda feel bad so cuddle you
- Swipe some chocolate or something
- He asks questions about it
- Laugh at how easily you can get mad

- Gets u pads
- Would stay in bed with you ALL day
- Get you a teddy bear from the DX
- Get you a heating pad

- Goes on mom mode
- Get u pads from the store
- Cuddles
- Would stay by your side ALL day

- Make stupid jokes 
- Thinks its funny how many mood swings you get
- Make sure your comfy and get a bunch of blankets and pillows
- Get you a Mickey stuffed animal

- Bake you a chocolate cake
- Cuddle you on the couch
- Plays with your hair to distract you from cramps
- Feels kinda bad

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