Their Pet Peeves

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Ponyboy: Interrupting (He gets so sassy after someone interrupts him 😭✋)

Johnny: Spitting (He just gets grossed out by it and doesn't think its classy 🤷)

Dallas: Loud chewing (He gets annoyed easily, I feel like this gets on his last nerves)

Sodapop: Slow walkers (Dis man does not have time for anyone's shit, neither do I 🤭) 

Darry: Leaving lights on (THIS IS THE REASON WHY MY MAN GOTTA WORK 2 JOBS 😭)

Two-bit: People who cut in line (He just gets pissed off at this, yet again so do I)

Steve: Food stealers (I bet Two-bit once ate his chocolate cake and Steve beat the shit out of him)

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