Them Spending Time With Your Kids (Part 2)

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Request by: aem9876
Hope you enjoy this!!

Y/S/N = Your son's name
Y/D/N= Your daughters name

(Your kids are 5 and 7) Ponyboy: You were out grocery shopping one morning and Pony was at home sitting on the couch when both of your kids walked into the living room in their pj's "Hi daddy!" Both your kids say and he turns to them with a smile "Hey Y/S/N, hi Y/D/N" They both jump onto the couch with Pony and they watch TV "You two want breakfast?" Pony asks as they nod "Can we have pancakes?" Your daughter asks as he nods with a smile "Of course" They go to the kitchen and help Pony make the pancakes "Can I crack the egg?" Your son asks "Sure buddy careful not to get any shells in though" Pony helps him crack the egg as your daughter helps pour in the pancake mix. Pony then cooks the pancakes and the kids eat "This is great thanks daddy!" Your daughter says as he smiles "Hey thank two for helping me"

(Your kid is 4) Johnny: It was mothers day and the night before Johnny told you to sleep in. He and your daughter started to make you a card "What color construction paper, Y/D/N?" She points to the red and he folds the card "Dadd! Can we add glitter and stickers too!?" He smiles at how excited she is and he nods "Of course, Wanna write in the card?" She nods before taking a marker and writing in it "Happy mothers day mommy!" and starts drawing and adding stickers "Should we add the glitter now?" Johnny says as your daughter nods and pours a bunch of glitter on the card and Johnny laughs "Jeez girl how much glitter are you putting?" She smiles "A lot"

(Your kid is 8) Dallas: Dally and your son were playing go fish one night "Go fish dad!" Dally chuckles under his breath before picking up a card "Y/S/N, Do you have any fives?" Your son shakes his head "Go fish!" Dally takes another card "Your beating my ass back here" Dally says "Dad do you have any eights?" Dally sighs and hands him 3 cards with 8 on them "Y/S/ you have any ones?" Your son shakes his head "Nope!" He says popping out the P and Dally takes "Do you got any threes?" Your son asks as Dally gives him 2 cards with 1 on them "I WIN!!" Your son says as Dally chuckles "Good job buddy" he says giving him a pat on the back

(Your kids are 5 and 6) Sodapop: Soda took your two daughters to the park one day watching them with a big smile on his face as they played with each other "Daddy! Can you push me?" He smiles and pushes her on the swing "Higher!" Soda chuckles "Alright alright" He pushes her higher and she squeals in excitement from how high she was. Your other daughter then comes over "Daddy! can you push me on the swing too?" He nods "Of course sweetheart" He helps her on the swing and begins pushing them both with a big smile on his face, he loves to spend time with his girls

(Your kid is 6) Darry: Darry was helping your son how to ride a bike "Alright I think I can ride it myself now" Your son says as Darry looks at him "You sure?" Your son nods and he starts riding the bike, The bike then tips over and he fell, Darry sprints over to him "You okay Y/S/N?" Your son nods "Ya I just scrapped my knee" He sniffled and Darry helped him into the house he then sat him onto the couch and got out a first aid kid, He then puts on band aid on the cut "Is it better now?" Your son smiles sweetly before nodding making Darry smile "You too that fall like a champ" He says giving your son a hug

(Your kid is 8) Two-bit: Two-bit went to the aquarium with your son while you were at work. They were looking at a bunch of fish "Dad! Look at this fish!" He says pointing to a tank with a huge fish "That's a cool fish" Two says with a smile, Your son then turns to him "Can we get a fish?" He asks "Sure" Your son smiles "Which one should we get?" Two-bit asks as your son looks over at a tank "How about Betta fish?" Two-bit smiles "That's great, I remember when I was your age I had a fish man it was awesome" They then get a worker to put the fish in a bag and walk out the store "What should we name him?" Two-bit asks your son while holding the fish in the bag in one hand and holding your sons hand with the other " about Gerald?" He chuckles "Gerald I like it"

(Your kid is 6) Steve: Steve was with your kid and they were spending the day together "Dad can we go to the toy store?" Steve nods "Sure what do ya wanna get?" Your son smiles "Hot Wheeles!" Steve smiles "Yeah! Lets go!" They then get to the toy store, Steve holding his hand. They go in the Hot Wheeles section and look at a bunch of cars "Why don't we get this one?" Your son suggests while pointing at a green car with yellow and red details. "Oh yeah that ones sick, We can set up the track we got at home and we can race" Hearing this makes your son smile

BRO ARE HOT WHEELES EVEN A THING ANYMORE?! Like now a days 8 year olds are watching and filming tiktoks with their newest iphone and its honestly sad man, I mean when I was 8 I was playing with my barbie and princess baby dolls the whole day or my doll house while having peppa pig on my ipad mini from like 2013 

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