How They Would Discipline Your Kids

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This was requested by: aem9876

Y/S/N: your sons name, Y/D/N: your daughters name & T/F/N: their friends name 

Hope u enjoy! (Btw some of these kids are gonna be teens some are gonna be toddlers or kids or whatever, so yah enjoy 😊 I TRIED TO MAKE THEM AS LONG AS I COULD AND TRIED TO THINK OF THE BEST CONSEQUENCE THEY WOULD GIVE UR KIDS)  

(Your kid is 5) Ponyboy: One day Pony was watching your daughter while you were at work, he making some lunch for your daughter and when he was finished he walked into the dining room "Y/D/N, lunch is ready-" He then sees your daughter had drawn all over the walls and his eyes widen. He quickly puts the plate down and looks at Y/D/N. "Y/D/N what did you do?! You can't be drawing on the walls honey! I gave you paper to drawn on" he says with a sigh and he looks at your daughter "I love you sweetheart but after you eat lunch your gonna have to stay in the corner for a bit and make sure you learn what you did wrong" After your kid eats lunch pony sends her to the corner, after about ten minuets he goes to Y/D/N and looks at him bending to his level "Did you learn what you did wrong?" Your daughter nods "Will you be drawing on the walls anymore?" Your daughter shakes her head and Pony hugs him

(Your kid is 16) Johnny: One night Johnny had stayed up to do some extra work on his computer while you were asleep. Your son then walks in the house "Hey Y/S/ okay?" Johnny asks as your son nods "Oh yeah dad...I just went out..ya, know?.." He says as his words were slurred. Johnny could already tell he was drunk and has been drinking that night. He had problems with his dad and seen Wha5 alcohol did to him, and he does not want that for his son. He gets up and you can tell he's pissed "What the hell do you think your doing Y/S/N!?" He says as a your son sits down "Dad I'm fine!" Johnny looks at him "Your not fine! I am not gonna let you get drunk all the time! Your grounded for two weeks!" He says and looks at your son"I don't want you ending up like my father, I want so much better for you" he says softly and makes sure Y/S/N gets to bed and makes sure he does not drink again

(Your kid is 15) Dallas: Both you and Dally were working, one day he had gotten off a bit early and went home. Your daughter was already home from school and he walked inside and the house was quiet and no one was in the living room . He then walked to you daughters room and knocked on the door "Hey Y/D/N? I'm home" he heard no response and was suspicious and he knocked response...he then opens the door to see your daughter and some boy making out on her bed and his eyes widen "Hey hey hey! What the fuck is going on here?!" He looks at the boy and your daughters eyes widen "Don't touch my daughter ya hear me?....what are you waiting for?! get lost!" He yells and the boy runs out and he looks at your daughter who is still wide eyed "What do you think makes it okay to make out with boys when me or your mom are not home? Y/D/N, you know what? I'm taking your phone for a month!" Your daughter stands up "What?! No you can't do that!" She yells "yes I can , listen Y/D/N your my daughter and I love you. But you can't just be doing this shit! We're gonna have a talk when your mother gets home"

(Your kid is 13) Darry: Darry was reading the news paper late at night while you were already asleep. Your son then walks in and he shoots up "Where the hell have you been?!" He says raising his voice and your son looks up at him "Me and T/F/N were hanging out and we fell asleep in the lot..." Darry's eyes widen "You what?! Do you know how dangerous that is?! What if some socs came and took you or something! Don't you ever use your head?!" He yells as your son looks at him "I'm sorry okay?.." Darry looks at him "Listen Y/S/N you gotta start using your head, sand until you do. Your not allowed to go out with your friends you hear me?" He says "But dad-" "No buts. Do you head me?" He asks and Y/S/N slowly nods "Yes.."

(Your kid is 4) Two-bit: Two-bit was grabbing a beer from the fridge and he heard some noise from the living room and went to see what it was he saw that your daughters were arguing and he saw Y/D/N throw something at your other daughter and it hits her in the head making her cry and Two rushes over "Hey hey hey! What's going on here! Y/D/N you can't be throwing toys at your little sister" She looks at him" Daddy she would not let me have a turn!" She says crossing her arms as he bends to her level "I know baby, but you can't be throwing toys at her "he picks up your daughter and kisses her arm where she got hit and holds her "You have to learn to control yourself when you get angry Y/D/N say sorry to your sister and I want you to stay in your bedroom and read to cool off and you won't get a turn for a bit okay?" She nods

(Your kid is 17) Steve: Steve was at home one day finishing lunch , your son then walks in the house "hey dad.." Steve looks up at your son with a smile" Hey bud, what's up?" Your son rubs the back of his neck "Listen dad...I have to get something off my chest.." This makes Steve raise an eyebrow and he stands up walking to Y/S/N "What happend?" He asks out of curiosity and your son sighs "Promise you won't get mad?.." Steve shrugs before responding "Depending on what it is" He says and your son looks down for a minuet before looking back up at Steve "I uh- kinda scratched and damaged the mirror on your car..." Steve looks at him wide eyed " You what?! How the hell did you manage to scratch the mirror of my car Y/S/N?!" He says yelling "Well me and T/F/N went out for a drive and uh...we were trying to squeeze in a turning lane and there was not too much room so we hit another drivers mirror and some of it chipped off..." Steve looks at him "You could have waited! If you had patience this wouldn't have happend!" Your son sighs "Listen dad I'm sorry.." Steve looks at him "I'm sorry bud listen I know these things happen, but you lost your driving privileges for a while" (Ik this one is kinda confusing I tried tho lol) 

Hope u guys enjoyed this ❤️❤️❤️

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