Text Messages Between You And Ponyboy

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- Hey Pony 

- Hey Y/n, What's up?

- Can I come over and we can work on that project?

- Yeah sure 👍 I am home alone rn but Darry and Soda should be home soon 

- Alright be there in 10? 

- Yeah sure, Remember to bring the notes

- Oops almost forgot about that 😅 Thanks for reminding me, I will be there soon byeeeee 

- Bye Y/n!  WAIT! 

- What? 

- Remember to bring my book back! You said you would give it back a week ago!

-Alright Alright 😂 chill your beans Pony, I will bring the book too 

- You better 😒 Any who bye y/nn!! 😀😀 

-Byeeeee ✌️

I know this is pretty short but should I start doing these for each greaser?? And yes I do tend to say "chill ur beans" a lot so why not put it In here. I honestly feel like pony would be the type of person to use ANYTHING as an excuse to use emojis lol

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