Dating Sodapop Would Include

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- You visiting him at the DX

- Sharing food 

- Him wanting to marry you when you finish high school

- Planning your future

- You are close with Pony and he considers you as an older sister

- You getting jealous when girls are around him

- Him purposely holding you close and kissing you to make those girls jealous and let them know he is taken 

- He would want like 6 kids 💀

- Your parents loving him

- Him never wanting to hurt you

- I mean it when I say he would never cheat no matter how many girls chase after him (he aint like the bitch we call "Sandy" Ya know?) 

- Going to get ice cream 

- Taking you on dates all the time

- He loves to baby you

- Tries his best to help you with homework

- You two dancing together when a song you both love comes on the radio

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