Them Spending Time With Your Kids

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Y/D/N = your daughters name
Y/S/N = your sons name
Requested by: aem9876

These are pretty short (I AM SORRY 😭)

(Your kids are 4 and 6) Ponyboy: You're on a weekend trip with some of your friends. Pony and the kids were playing with toys "Alright you two, it's getting late which means it's time to get ready for bed" He says to your daughter and son "Please five more minuets daddy..." Y/S/N says with a pout "Alright how could I say no to that? But only five more minuets okay?" The kids nod. After those five minuets are up Pony takes the kids upstairs and helps them put on their pj's. After that he sits in bed with them and reads a book to them and they end up falling asleep next to him and he smiles to himself "I love you two...sleep well" He kisses their foreheads and walks out the room

(Your kid is 5) Johnny: Johnny and your daughter went grocery shopping to help you out while you were cleaning some of the house. He was pushing  her in the cart as they walked through the aisle. "Daddy?" Y/D/N says and he looks at her "yeah sweetheart?" She smiles "Can we get candy?" He smiles "Alright we will get a little bit of candy just don't tell mommy, alright?" She smiles and nods "Can we also get ice cream?.." He laughs "Your belly is gonna hurt if you eat too much junk food, how about we pick either candy or ice cream" She thinks "I change my mind I wan't ice cream!" She says smiling and he chuckles "Alright ice cream it is then" 

(Your kid is 8) Dallas: "Alright Y/S/N, Let's go to the diamond and play some ball" Dally says as your son get's up and they go out to the park right across the street from the house. Dally tosses the ball to your son and he wacks it with the bat, They play together for about an hour when you walk out the house and see them in the distance and smile to yourself. You walk over to the diamond and your runs up and hugs you "Mommy!" You smile and hug him back "Hi sweetheart, you enjoy playing baseball with dad?" He nods and Dally comes and kisses me "Hey baby" He says with a grin, I smile "Hey honey, alright you boys get inside dinner is ready"

(Your kids are 6 and 7) Sodapop: Sodapop was watching TV when both of your daughters run over to him "Daddy! Daddy!" They both yell and he looks at them "Hey my girls, What's up?" He asks as they smile "Can we do your makeup?" They ask with big eyes and he laughs "Really?" They tug his arms "Pleaaseee" Y/D/N says and he chuckles "Alright alright" They do his makeup and hair and giggle when they are done "We are donee!" he looks in the mirror and cracks up "Alright can I take it off now?" They both nod as he wipes the makeup off. (I feel like he would be such a girls dad and would love when they give him makeovers) 

(your kids are 7 and 9) Darry: Darry and both of your sons were playing football in the backyard. You were watching from afar smiling to yourself as you watch this wholesome moment. "TOUCHDOWN!!" Darry says cheering and your sons cheer too "Touchdowwnnnn!!" He smiles and gives them high fives "You two did great, We won!" Darry says as the two kids cheered

(Your kid is 4) Two-bit: He was watching Mickey with your son, "Mickey is the best huh, Y/S/N?" He shakes his head "I like Donald better" Two gasps "You take that back!" Your son laughs "No!" Two then starts tickling Y/S/N and he starts laughing his head off and Two-bit laughs too "Say your sorry and say Mickey is better!" Two-bit says as he continues tickling Y/S/N "I AM SORRY MICKEY IS BETTER!" He says in between giggles and Two-bit stops tickling him and they both continue laughing their heads off

(Your kid is 7) Steve: One summer day Steve was teaching your son how to fix cars "Alright Y/S/N, I will teach you how to change a flat tire" He says and Y/S/N looks at him "Dad...I can't drive" your son says as Steve shrugs "Well its better to learn early then late. Besides your old man won't be here forever, you need one of the greatest when it comes to cars" He says as he teaches your son. "Look dad I did it!" Your son says I  excitement as Steve smiles and pats his back "Nice job, Y/S/N!" 

I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I am sorry it ain't the best I honestly did not know what to to do

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