Dating Two-bit Would Include

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- You two of course always watching Mickey 

- His mom likes you 

- When you are feeling down he would crack jokes to make you smile

- Always teases you 

- Get you a switchblade just like his

- You helping him to get a job

- You two fall asleep on the couch cuddling

- To be honest even though he drinks a lot you don't drink too much

- You two would bake chocolate cake together

- Fooling around while doing chores or cleaning

- You two go to the Nightly Double and probably kiss in the car instead of watching the movie

- He always tries to make you happy and never wants to hurt you

- Even when you two are dating he tells you cheesy pick up lines 

- I feel like he would always have an arm around you

- His little sister looking up to you a lot

- You two messing with the socs 

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