Slushies - S.C ♡

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This Was Requested By: Babygirll666
Hope You Liked this!! Yes it was mostly based on the Tiktok audio 😂 

You and Soda both walk into the Curtis house from spending some time together in town. You and Soda were talking in the living room and laughing and Darry looks up from his newspaper and notices something "Y/n, Soda. Your tongues are purple" We look at him "They are?" Soda asks as he nods "Yeah. I did not know they made grape flavored slushies "Oh they don't" I say as Darry raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?"

"I had a red slushie " Soda says "And I had the blue one..." Darry has a look of confusion on his face but his eyes then widen "OH MY- Y/n...What did you do today with my kid brother?" I look over at him "We went to the park" I say and he nods slowly "Then?..." 

"We went to Seven Eleven to get slushies" I say "After that?" I look at him in confusion "We drank our slushies?" Soda looks at me "Is that why he thinks your tongues are purple?" Pony says chiming in since he was eavesdropping "Pony!" Soda elbows him and Darry gags 

Hope you liked it!!

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