Chapter 9: Scarred

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———A S H E R———

I leaned my head against the concrete wall, a headache forming as I pressed my head against the hard surface.

There wasn't any light coming from the small window above me, or most of the days we were stuck in here. The only light that helped me see in this small cell was the ceiling light in the hallway that helped the guards see.

I'm also almost absolutely positive that the only reason they put the small ceiling light in was so the guards could be absolutely positive that the prisoners weren't trying anything by looking into our cells. The guards seemed to look into our cells a lot.

Some of the guards were ok. The ok guards made small talk with us sometimes before abruptly walking away, but they left us alone when we were sleeping which I was grateful for.

The other guards made sure to spit nasty words at us when we were awake and made sure to bang their flashlights or their gun against the thick bars to wake us up if we were asleep.

A day or two ago, a guard even went as far as to comment on Aaliyah. He said she looked like a whore and had quote on quote 'cocksucking lips'.

When Adam went to defend her, banging on the bars and growling loudly, the guard only laughed before walking away.

It took awhile to make him calm down, but he still claims that he'll rip the guard to shreds as soon as we get out of here.

Aaliyah simply hugged him and said 'no need, as long as you continue to think the world of me, I don't care what that guard says'

I remember smiling at the two before leaning against the wall and examining my stab-wound.

It looked a lot better all those days ago... well not 'better' but at least it didn't look infected.

I sighed as I shifted in my spot, my bum was starting to hurt from how long I was sitting on the dirty concrete flooring.

I wish we had a clock in here or a little bell that would ding when it was a certain time. Time seemed to pass so weird down here.

I closed my eyes as I continued to press the back of my head against the concrete wall, wanting the thoughts that were invading my head to go away.

I didn't tell Adam or Aaliyah that the Alpha was my mate, or how the alpha was currently filling my mind to the brim.

All I could think about was how my mate's touch affected me.

His muscular chest had touched mine which sent sparks flowing throughout my body, but that was over four days ago and the sparks were long gone.

And so was my mate.

He hasn't come down in the past four days, nor has Beatrix, so Adam, Aaliyah and I were left sitting on the concrete ground debating whether or not we think we can actually get out of here.

Adam didn't think we would ever be able to get out while Aaliyah claimed the angry alpha would let us out.

I didn't believe her claims.

I think we'll die here.

We haven't been given food or water which left our stomachs rumbling and our mouths dry.

I assumed that it was part of my mate's plan, to make us weak by not giving us anything to eat or drink.

If we were weak, they could kill us easier.

And if they were too lazy to kill us, we would die from starvation or dehydration.

I pressed my dirty hand against my side as I leaned against the wall, wincing as the usual pain that invaded my body when I touched my wound quickly filled me.

I groaned as I moved my hand away from my side, wincing once again as I pulled my shirt away from the bloody mess that was hiding under my bloodied shirt.

It was always so painful when my shirt stuck to the drying blood that was escaping from the injury.

I held my shirt away from my side before letting it drop against my damaged skin a few moments later.

I bit my lip as I looked around the small cell again, trying to focus on anything but my wound that I'm sure is already infected.

Aaliyah and Adam were sitting across from me. Aaliyah was sleeping on Adam, her head lying on his lap.

Adam was awake as Aaliyah slept, his head was leaned against the wall as he stared up at the ceiling.

I looked at the two before sighing as I raised my shirt enough to see my wound again.

It looked the same as it did a few seconds ago, but every time I looked at it, I was awed.

My werewolf healing and the nurse Beatrix took me to go see weren't helping it heal at all, it still looked and felt nasty.

When the nurse saw what happened to me, she rubbed a cream on the wound that she claimed would help heal it before wrapping it up.

I don't know why she didn't think I needed stitches. The wound was obviously very deep, but she just said to keep it covered so it didn't get infected. Sadly, I'm sure it was already infected.

She didn't have any bottles or jars of the cream that she could give me. She just took some out of a half used jar and put that on me before saying I would need to go buy some, which I obviously couldn't do.

I didn't blame the lady, she was nice and made small talk with me throughout the appointment. I just don't think she knew I was a prisoner because Beatrix made sure to keep the handcuffs off me while getting examined.

The nurse wrapped it up after she put the substance on it but after literal days down here, I took the wrap off since my blood was starting to leak through it and the dirt from the floor was dirtying it.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I looked down at the stab-wound. There was blood smeared on my skin from my shirt constantly covering it.

There was also a wide opening in my skin that seemed to go very deep.

It was painful.

I looked over at Adam and Aaliyah who were now both sound asleep in their partner's presence.

I pressed my lips together as I looked at the two of them.

They both acted like nothing bad could happen to them as long as they were together.

I was envious of that. I wish I had someone to hold while being locked in this damn cell.

They were locked in here, unable to escape, but here they both were, sleeping comfortably and contently as I studied my wound.

I looked away from the two of them, my eyes once again focusing on the bloody mess on my body.

The knife I was stabbed with was silver, and that meant the wound would stay on my body even after it was healed.

I would be scarred for life.


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