Chapter 24: Freed

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———A S H E R———

He looked down at me when he started to speak before I could, surprising even me when I heard the words that left his lips.

" I- I'm going to let your friends go... and all of the other rogues I've captured in my time as Alpha will be freed as well... I- I figured that if I'm going to mate with a rogue, I might as well stop holding other rogues captive in dirty old cells " He looked as though he was ashamed of his past actions as he spoke, which made a pleasant feeling start to boil in my stomach.

I was proud of the man that stood before me, proud that he could fix his mistakes and actually feel regret for what he did in the past. I enjoyed being able to see him change, to be able to see that he regretted capturing rogues and treating them like the scum of earth because if I hadn't been able to witness it myself...I wouldn't be able to realize just how much I cared for the alpha standing in front of me.

I couldn't hold back the small smile forming on my lips as I digested his words, a smile slowly forming on his face as we looked and admired each other even more.

I noticed how his eyes held a bit of uncertainty but still somehow managed to look determined at the same time.

He looked at me with so many different expressions as he talked about letting the rogues go, the expressions showed regret, remorse, sorrow, disappointment, anger, uncertainness, determination, and so many more.

" What? " I breathed out, hoping I didn't mishear him in the slightest.

" All the rogue wolves down in the dungeon will be freed. I'm going to let them all go... which means that all of the cells will be empty for the first time in years "

My smile immediately grew as I imagined how Aaliyah would look at the first time I saw her again. I imagined her running towards me before jumping into my arms, Adam standing behind her as he watched the two of us hug, smiling at me when Aaliyah and I parted.

I imagined Benedict standing by my side, his arms crossed as he watched me reconnect with my friends.

I imagined Aaliyah smiling at him, happy that I found my mate while Adam continued to be wry.

I imagined the four of us living in the pack house contently, Beatrix still chasing after Clara.

I imagined us all being happy, not having to worry about being killed every 5 seconds by a random attack.

" When are you letting them leave? " The question left my lips before I could even think about it, more questions only filling the rest of my mind once one escaped.

" Today " He smiled at me, his smile only growing more and more sincere as he thought more about it.

" What about Aaliyah and Adam? " I asked, taking a step back from my mate so I could focus clearly on the situation at hand without being distracted by his lovely scent. " They can stay here with us right? " My voice was clear as I looked at him, the air thick as I waited for an answer I didn't even know if I wanted yet.

" Who? " He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, his eyes turning to a look of pure confusion and his smile slowly dying.

" The couple that was in the cell with me... they can stay here with us, right? "

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