Chapter 30: Bloodied Fists

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———B E N E D I C T———

Warning ⚠️ This chapter is very bloody!!!

I grinned at him, watching as his face drained of all color " You thought you would win this fight? Think again "

I watched as he tried to cower away from me, his eyes afraid as he tried to get away from me.

My eyes scanned over the blood and the dirt that was stained to his oversized shirt, my right hand soon falling from the fabric so I could witness more of the dried blood that reeked of my sister.

My eyes darted up to Ambrose's face after I examined every single drop of blood that was stained to his shirt, his expression bringing me joy because it was set to look scared.

My left hand was still gripping onto the fabric of his shirt tightly, pushing him against the wall as my right hand continued to lay limply at my side.

" I smell her blood on you " I stated as I looked at him, my eyes glowing out of rage.

" Y-Yea, she started bleeding after the second or third guy slammed into her so it got on me when I went in after them. She just can't take a guy's dick the right way, fucking her reminded me of fucking a virgin " He tried to joke, my blood boiling as he talked of her. " T-Then I cut her a few times and it rubbed off on me "

My right hand was raised in a matter of seconds after he finished his speech, my fingers bent into a fist as I swung my hand directly into the man's face.

He groaned as I continued hitting, a grin appearing on my face when I heard a crack come from his nose.

My fists were bloodied as I continued slamming my fist into Ambrose's face.

Small cries left his lips when my fist migrated towards his stomach, all of his air leaving his lungs when my fist slammed into his clearly filled stomach.

He gasped as I continued to hit him there, incoherent words leaving his lips as his legs weakened.

He fell when his legs couldn't hold him up anymore, both of us falling to floor when he couldn't stand anymore because I wasn't done with him yet.

Groans and shouts continued to leave his lips as I held onto his shirt, straddling his hips as I hit him again and again.

My vision was red as I hit, not noticing my knuckles were bleeding as I punched him.

My skin was covered in blood, my mind not being able to decipher whose blood was running down from my knuckles because I was too busy trying to make Ambrose bleed like how he made Beatrix bleed.

My knuckles started to ache, the skin covering the bone starting to peel away as I hit the miserable man lying beneath me.

I was panting when a thought popped into my head, my wolf prancing around in my head waiting for me to actually complete the task I thought of.

He was howling in my head, causing a headache to form instantly as he jumped around impatiently.

I let go of Ambrose's shirt, my breathing heavy as I stopped my fist from connecting with his stomach once again.

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