Chapter 16: Tense

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———A S H E R———

I shifted in my spot on the hospital bed. The air between Benedict and I was tense and the only noise I could identify was the awkward silence between us.

He was furious when I tried to talk about Valeria, but the only question swimming around in my head was Is his Valeria the same Valeria I knew?

It was eating at me like a bug would eat at a dead animal.

I sighed as I pressed my hand against my racing heart, trying not to look at the Alpha sitting beside me.

I heard a groan leave his pretty pink lips, capturing my attention completely despite wanting to avoid his gaze.

He was sitting uncomfortably in the plastic chair they had given him. His face was void of emotion, but I could tell he was annoyed by the plastic he was sitting on, or maybe he was annoyed by the rogue sitting beside him.

I bit my lip as I looked at him, already regretting my future choices.

" ...We can share the bed " I spoke when I got enough courage, cursing myself to whatever hell exists when he looked at me with eyes that could kill. " ...If you're uncomfortable on the chair " I added for good measures.

I gulped once he narrowed his eyes, studying me carefully as if he thought I was going to take back my offer.

I heard a small sigh escape his lips before I watched him stand from his spot on the plastic chair.

A smile quickly made its way onto my face as he walked closer to me, the air surrounding us no longer seeming as tense as it did before.

He looked at me, uncertainty clear in his pretty eyes as I moved closer to the edge of the bed to make room for him.

He lifted the blanket that was currently covering my body, placing himself beside me a few moments later.

He remained sitting up right even minutes after he gotten into my bed, sitting awkwardly beside me.

I let out a breath of air as I slid my hand under my pillow, nuzzling my face into the comfortable material as I laid beside my mate.

His warmth was radiating off him even though he seemed so far away, his warmth was comforting.

" Benedict " I spoke in a quiet voice, afraid that he would immediately start to yell at me even though I just offered him a better place to sleep tonight.

I forced a smile when he turned to me, his hands in his lap as he looked at me with uncertain eyes.

" You can lay down. I'm not gonna bite you " I spoke, my second sentence seemingly more friendly than the one before it.

" ...I'd probably get rabies if you did " He mumbled before laying down beside me.

A laugh escaped my mouth as I digested his words, my chest bubbling with laughter.

He turned on his side, our faces inches apart as he stared at me with slightly narrowed eyes.

" You're... " He stopped, a sigh replacing the words he was going to say.

" You're what? " I raised a brow, my lips curled into a small smile.

" You're... different " He spoke, settling on a word that supposedly describes me.

" Different? "

" I just don't think I've ever met a rogue so willing to give up their bed for another " He stated, turning onto his back once he saw my expression.

He sighed, loudly, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

" Y'know, not all rogues are selfish and greedy " I answered which made Benedict emit a low growl.

His eyes were planted on the ceiling, his eyes glowing as he clenched his jaw.

Anger was now radiating off of him and I had absolutely no clue on how to tame his rage.

" Rogues are disgusting and selfish and rude. You. are. disgusting. and selfish. and rude. " He declared as he turned to look at me.

Once again, all I could see in his eyes was hatred.

" I didn't do anything to you " I stated, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
" So why am I disgusting and selfish and rude? "

" Two of the most important people in my life are dead because of your kind, because of you " He hissed as he sat up " I don't care if you weren't the one who killed them, you're still one of them. You're still a bloody rogue, and all rogues are guilty " He growled

My lips parted as I took in his words, my mind scrambling for something, anything, to say but my mind remained blank.

I laid still, staring at my mate with wide eyes as he stared at me in complete hatred.

He scoffed when I didn't reply, his legs soon swinging over the edge of the bed so he could get further away from me.

I abruptly sat upright, my eyes connected to Benedict's back as he stood from his spot on the hospital bed.

I watched as he walked away from the bed he laid on for no more than 10 minutes. I watched as he walked away from the plastic chair I knew he hated so much. I watched as he walked away from me.

He walked to the door, his shoes making quiet sounds as they met the floor each time he took a step.

" Beatrix will come to watch you " I heard him speak just before opening the door and leaving.

I sat on the hospital bed with my hands in my lap, my mind completely blank as I stared at the door he walked out of, praying that he would suddenly walk back in just so I could apologize for something I didn't know I did.


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