Chapter 25: Scent ✨

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———A S H E R———

A hum like noise escaped my lips once I walked into the room drenched with Benedict's scent, my eyes scanning the navy blue walls and the carpeted flooring.

His room was dark but wasn't completely darkened, the grey curtains blocking most of what little sunlight was still raining down outside.

He had his bed on the left side of me when I walked through the door, the head of the bed pushed up against the middle of the navy blue covered wall.

There was a dresser with a large tv on it in front of the bed, placed perfectly against the middle of the wall to the right of me.

I continued to look around the room with a smile placed on my lips, my eyes stopping for just a moment at the closed door to the bathroom that was carving into the wall in front of me.

I turned my head away from the closed door to the bathroom after examining the wood of the door, grinning at the idea of being able to sleep comfortably instead of lying in a tent or on the cold leaves placed on the floor of the forest. I did like being able to stare at the stars before falling asleep though, it was quite peaceful when everyone was asleep and I could stare into the sky without a worry.

" What? " I heard Benedict ask behind me, his voice soft as he closed the door that led to the outside of his room.

He must've thought I didn't like his room or the terrible paintings he's hung up over the years due to the fact that I've been quiet for several minutes but that was the furthest from the truth, I liked everything that laid in this room and I couldn't wait to wake up to navy blue walls instead of lifeless trees that used to surround me.

" Nothin " I shrugged with a smile on my face " Your room is just very... filled with your scent... It's the only scent I smell, actually " I spoke with a hint of confusion laced into my voice, smiling greatly as I turned to look at my mate.

" Is it? " He asked as a smile slowly creeped up onto his face.

" Yea " I shrugged again, my smile never faltering as he started to walk towards me.

" That might be because I've never brought anyone to my room " His voice only sounded more and more huskier as he got closer to me. His steps stopped when we were pressed together ever so slightly, his hands finding my hips immediately after he let his head fall to rest against the crook of my neck.

He squeezed my hips roughly, a low groan leaving my lips when he started to press kisses to my neck.

" You like that? " He spoke in between his kisses, his hands moving from my hips to my ass as I grabbed onto his shoulders. My grip was tight as he massaged my skin, his fingers curling and squeezing in a way that made me understand the difference between pleasure and pain. He pulled my cheeks apart ever so slightly, his fingers slowly but surely moving closer and closer to my crack.

It made my cheeks redden from embarrassment when I realized how quickly I melted in his hands.

The way he spoke, the way his tone was filled with lust and arrogance all at once confirmed my thoughts of him thinking he could made me spill my cum in barely a minute.

My dick was practically begging him to touch it, hardening even further as he continued to kiss my neck.

My dick was pressed against his upper thigh, his pressed against my abdomen as he continued to tease me.

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