Chapter 14: Jealous

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———B E N E D I C T———

I stirred awake when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, my eyes tired and already threatening to close.

I blinked a few times before finally coming to my senses.

My back was aching from having to sleep in the chair and my ass hurt from sitting on the uncomfortable plastic for so long.

I groaned as I looked around, searching for whoever touched me.

I sighed as I saw the lady standing in front of me, taking a breath when I saw the woman standing there with a cart of food beside her.

" She's here for you " I heard Asher say in a monotone voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned my head towards the boy.

I looked over at Asher, my eyes studying his placement on the bed.

He wasn't lying down anymore. He was sitting up in the bed, his back pressed against the back of the bed as he looked at the woman with his arms folded against his chest.

" What? " I groaned, sitting up in the uncomfortable chair so I didn't seem like a good-for-nothing slug.

" I brought you food " The woman grinned brightly, staring at me with excitement in her eyes.

I turned my head towards the cart besides her, my eyes catching on the singular plate and a single roll of silverware.

" There's only one plate " I told her, pointing out the obvious as I looked back up at the excited woman.

" Yes, I know " She nodded, her eyes never straying from mine as she continued to stare at me with a creepy smile.

" What about Asher? He's the actual patient " I looked at her, confusion clear in my eyes " Did you not think to bring food for him? "

" Well, no " She held her smile " He's just a rogue, he doesn't deserve to eat but- but you do. You're taking time out of your day to watch him, you're such a good person " She gave a sigh of pure bliss before continuing to look at me with pure adoration. " and- and you're also an excellent alpha. Obviously. " She grinned brightly as she continued to throw compliments at me.

How did I let the fact that Asher was a rogue slip my mind?

I'm the opposite of a 'excellent alpha'.

I'm putting my pack in risk just by letting Asher stay in a hospital and not in a cell where he belongs. I shouldn't have cared that he was on his deathbed, but I did.

She would be disappointed.

So very disappointed.

" That's enough " I stated as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. " Just set the food on the table " I instructed.

She quickly nodded before taking the plate off the cart and setting it on the table with wheels that has stayed beside Asher's bed for the past few days.

The woman then grabbed the single roll of silverware before setting it beside the plate.

She grinned down at me as she pushed the table with wheels towards me.

She then walked over to me, a grin still placed on her young looking face as she walked behind me.

I looked at Asher as she began to set one hand on my shoulder at a time, shivering in disgust when she set her other hand on my other shoulder.

My wolf was howling for me to push her away but I stayed frozen in my spot as she leaned down.

Her face was close to my ear, her lips so close to touching my skin.

I clenched my jaw as I watched Asher stare at us with deadly eyes.

" I hope you enjoy your food " She whispered, her hot breath hitting my ear " I made it especially for- "

I stood up quickly, practically jumping out of the uncomfortable chair before walking to the other side of Asher's bed. I stood on the opposite side of Asher's bed, no longer near the uncomfortable chair and no longer being touched by the woman.

The bed, and Asher, was separating the woman and I. She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed as Asher looked up at me.

I wanted both of them to look away but they just kept staring at me in wonder.

" You can leave " I told her, crossing my arms over my chest as I avoided Asher's gaze.

I focused my gaze on the woman across from me, trying to find her attractive in any way possible but it was like something was suddenly wrong with me.

I could tell Asher was looking up at me, confusion probably clear in his pretty eyes.

The woman looked at me weirdly before standing up straight. She ran her hands down her shirt, smoothing the nonexistent wrinkles in her clothing as she looked away from me.

I bit my bottom lip as I watched her movements, suddenly feeling bad when I noticed she was beyond embarrassed.

She coughed awkwardly before walking towards her cart and pushing it out of the all white room.

I let out a breath of air before walking back around Asher's bed, sitting back down on the chair that I've come to absolutely hate.

I looked at the plate in front of me that was placed on the table with wheels before pushing it towards Asher who still had his gaze set on me.

" You can have it " I mumbled before leaning back in the chair that I was going to burn when Asher got released.

He looked at me weirdly before pulling the table towards him, grabbing the roll of silverware before digging into the food I gave him.

" ...Do you know her? " I heard Asher say in a small voice, his mouth probably filled with food as he spoke to me.

" No " I answered as I watched him shove another forkful of food into his mouth.

" oh, with the way she was touching you- I would've thought that she was your girlfriend " He spoke with a full mouth, some chewed up pieces of food escaping his mouth.

I crinkled my nose as I watched him eat like he hasn't eaten in months.

" She's not my girlfriend " I replied

" I'm just saying, it looked like you guys were very close " He spoke, emphasizing the word 'close'.

Did he not see me squirming in discomfort?

" ...Are you jealous because she touched me? " I asked, slightly unsure.

" No! " He yelled, dropping his fork on his plate as his head snapped up so our eyes could meet.

I winced as the overly loud word met my sensitive ears.

" Sorry, no " Asher replied with a forced smile before picking up his fork again, eating slowly this time. " Definitely not jealous " He forced a laugh.

Yea ok Theo laughed in amusement


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