Chapter 20: Pressed Together

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———B E N E D I C T———

He slept comfortably, his face relaxed as he curled into himself on the bed.

" You know you can actually talk to him, right? " I heard a voice speak behind me in a hushed voice " You don't just have to admire him in silence "

I leaned back in the uncomfortable plastic chair, my eyes not leaving Asher's sleeping figure.

" He's a rogue " I stated, hoping that I wouldn't need to explain anything to Beatrix.

She came down to check on Asher not long ago, apparently she had found her mate and it wasn't going too well so she wished to distract herself.

But since Asher is sleeping, she's just been trying to get me to fully accept him.

" So? " She asked as she walked closer towards me " Have you ever asked him why he became a rogue? Maybe he'll surprise you " She spoke hopefully, setting her hand on my shoulder and squeezing softly after I didn't immediately respond.

" ...I don't want him to surprise me " I clarified " His kind killed her and didn't even bother to bury her. Her lifeless body leaning against that tree was all I could think of at times... but it's different now. I don't think of her as much as I should... and I haven't since he wormed his way into my life "

" It's ok to move on, Benedict. She wouldn't have wanted you to stay focused on only her your whole life, you know that she would've wanted you to move on "

" No. Not with him " I shook Beatrix's hand off my shoulder, slumping in the uncomfortable chair before crossing my arms.

" He didn't kill Valeria, Benedict. I doubt he even knew her... so don't blame him for her death " She spoke softly before turning around and walking further and further away from my mate and I.

A sigh left my lips as I continued to stare at the boy in front of me, thoughts racing through my mind as I studied his sleeping figure.

I wanted to blame him, I wanted to blame them all because her killer still walks free while she remains decomposing, her beautiful body covered in soil, but my hate for him and his kind is slowly fading away.

I still wanted her killer to be caught and to be rightfully punished, but my opinion on rogues is slowly changing.

I just wanted to make her killer pay, but I couldn't make them pay for their crime because I don't know who committed the crime. So I punish every rogue I come across, hoping that someday I'll catch the sorry bastard who took her from me, even if I don't realize when I do.

...but if she could see me now, would she thank me or be disgusted?

I took a breath once Asher woke up hours after Beatrix had left, preparing myself to do something beyond stupid.

A yawn escaped Asher's lips as he sat up on the hospital bed, stretching slightly.

He looked surprised when he turned his head and saw me sitting on the plastic chair, almost as if he didn't expect me to be here when he woke up.

I heard a sigh escape his lips before he opened his mouth to start speaking.

I didn't listen as he spoke to me, my head was too preoccupied trying to figure out whether or not Valeria would find me sickening or just plain foul for killing all those rogues.

Then there was the thought that made me feel guilty and sick all at once... if I give up on trying to kill them all... am I giving up on her?

" Benedict?.. Benedict! "

" What? " I leaned back in my chair, my back already aching as I pushed my thoughts away.

" Did you hear me? " He raised his eyebrow, looking at me in a way that made me uncomfortable.

" No, what'd you say? " I sighed as I sat up right, preparing myself to hear his words.

I chose to ignore when he rolled his eyes, focusing only on the way his mouth moved when he spoke.

" I said we can just forget about what happened in the hallway "

I was sat on the edge of my seat, my eyebrows furrowed as I digested his words.

" You wanna forget about it? " I asked.

I should have been jumping with joy, thanking the gods that he's willing to forget about what we did... but instead I'm... disappointed.

I didn't understand why, and I didn't want to understand why- because then I'll understand my feelings for him.

" No, but I'm willing to forget about it if you want me too " He spoke, his tone even as words dripped from his lips.

Maybe I don't have to understand... maybe I can just act on what my body is pleading for me to do.

I stood from the chair, my eyes looking down at Asher as he sat on the hospital bed with confusion clear in his eyes.

My head was screaming at me to leave him here, but my body was screaming at me to devour him.

I took a breath before leaning down, my hands immediately finding his cheeks.

His lips were warm as they pressed against mine.

He seemed puzzled as I pressed my lips to his, like he couldn't believe I would ever kiss him willingly.

He did, however, kiss me back.

His lips moved against mine as his hands slowly moved from his lap to my hair. He tugged at the strands, pulling me closer towards him as I held his face in my hands.

The kiss wasn't as desperate and heavy as the last kiss we shared. Our teeth were clashing and our tongues were tangled together during the last kiss, but with this one, it was softer. Although his grip on my hair was tight, he kissed me carefully.

Our slippery tongues soon started to play when I pushed mine into his warm mouth, both of us starting to run out of breath as our tongues fought for dominance.

I let my hands run down his body, my hands soon stopping as his waist.

I gripped his sides tightly, pulling him closer towards me as our faces remained pressed together.

Soft noises left both of our mouths, the kiss growing heavier and heavier each second we remained pressed against each other.

I glanced towards my right when I felt eyes on me, immediately pulling away from Asher when I saw the doctor standing there with an open mouth.

A small whine left Asher's lips before he finally turned his head towards where I was looking, his eyes widening when he saw his doctor standing there gripping onto a clipboard.

My heart stopped as he stared at Asher and I, a look of surprise clear in his eyes.


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