Chapter 7

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Rep's perspective;
I felt like shit. I didn't leave my room for days, crying into the pillow and breathing in Lovers scent. She was my favourite person, the love of my life, and we didn't even make it a week into our relationship.

It broke me to hear her crying in the next room but knowing there was nothing I could do to comfort her. After a few days I decided that I needed to get out of the house, so I threw on some clothes and jumped out of the window. Probably not the best idea, because my room is upstairs, but I landed in a bush, so I was fine. 

I went on a walk to clear my head, and decided that I would go to the supermarket to stock up on food so I didn't have to leave my room. I got there and considered buying healthy food... for a total of about 2 seconds. 

"Who am I kidding since when do I eat lentil chips," I muttered to myself

"Agreed, lentil chips suck," The girl next to me looked over at me grinning. 

"Who the fuck are you," I glared at her. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't place where I knew her from. 

"You know me Rep," She smirked, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, becoming scared at how she knew me name. I walked away, and luckily she didn't follow me, but I couldn't get her out of my head for the rest of the day. 

I finished shopping and walked home quickly, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. I got home and climbed back in my window so as not to talk to anyone again, and binge watched my favourite tv series for the rest of the day. 

Mystery person's perspective;

After I followed Rep home, she climbed through the window for some reason, which gave me an easy way to get in once she fell asleep. I climbed a tree to see in the window, and she was crying and eating chocolate while binge watching some crappy tv show. Knowing Rep, it must have been over a girl. What girl though? I quickly hacked into her i-cloud and accessed her text messages. Lover. I chuckled softly, leaves rustling around me. I had my target. 

When she finally fell asleep, TV still playing, I climbed down the tree and up into her window, which she conveniently left unlocked. This girl seriously needs to be more concerned about her own safety. I mean, I could have been an axe murderer!

I tiptoed past her, turning the tv off as I passed. I snuck out of her room and walked down the silent hallway, trying to work out which room was Lover's. I soon recognised it as the one next to Rep's, because of the 'LOVER'S ROOM 😊🌸✨🌈" Sign on the door. 

Luckily for me, the door was unlocked and she was asleep. She looked quite cute asleep, I have to say. I swung my backpack off my back and onto the floor, and took out my stuff, holding a piece of cloth in one hand and a rope and cuffs in the other. I quickly shoved the cloth in her mouth and cuffed her before she woke up. when she started to stir she tried to scream and hit me, but I was busy tying her legs together. 

I was planning on being nice and carrying her out the front door but she wasn't cooperating so I had to resort to throwing her out the window. It sounds violent, but I saw Rep jump out earlier so I knew she wouldn't die. I jumped out after her, and landed on top of her, knocking her out. She was going to be bruised the next morning. 

I hadn't really thought my plan through, because knocking her out meant that I had to carry her for two blocks to get her in the van, which was annoying. When we were nearly arrived, she started to stir. 

"Hi sweetheart," I said, pulling the van over. "Let's get this out of your mouth, huh?" I grabbed the cloth out of her mouth and threw it in the back. She saw me and started crying, realising she had no way of escaping. 

"Who are you," She pressed herself up against the door away from me.

"Don't be scared sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you yet," I reached out and stroked her cheek, causing her to flinch and push her head into the window further. "It's best for you and me if you stay silent, can you do that for me?" She nodded, looking terrified. This was going to be a lot of fun. 

Lover's perspective; 

I was terrified the whole time we were in the van, scared to make a sound in case she got angry at me. After a little bit more driving, she stopped the van in a sketchy avenue and pulled me out roughly.

"I'm taking these off, you better not run or there WILL be consequences, do you hear me?" She hissed in my ear. "Now, we have to walk through a few shops, so you're going to pretend to be my girlfriend ok?" The subtext that she was giving me was that that was more of a threat than a question.

We walked through a shopping centre, and she grabbed my hand hard, I knew it was going to leave bruises. Whenever I dropped my smile, she would dig her nails into my palm.

I knew it was a gamble, but a lady made eye contact and I mouthed at her. Help me. She started towards us, but the girl scraped her nails across my palm, drawing blood, and I smiled and waved her off with my free hand.

She dragged me into a bathroom and locked the door.

"What was that? I told you not to try and escape, or there would be consequences, so now you face the consequences," She slapped me across the cheek hard, and I started crying at the pain. She wiped my tears off harshly with her knuckle, and dragged me back out. Soon she busted open a door that I wouldn't have noticed if we didn't go through. After going up a couple of flights of stairs we reached a dingy apartment which I assumed was hers.

As soon as she locked the door, her face hardened and she turned to face me.

"Now, here's how this is going to go..." 

A/N Does anyone have any suggestions for who the mysety person should be i don't know who to make it

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