Chapter 20

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Evermore's perspective;

"Okay so I just called Red and she said that Speak Now doesn't like anyone," I walked into Folklore's room. "Well, except for you,"

"Okay good, she wouldn't lie to you right?" She asked worriedly.

"Of course not, don't worry about it," I brushed off her concerns. "Now how about we do something fun today - with all four of us,"

"Good idea, we haven't been spending enough time all together, and I don't know if Lover and Midnights are on speaking terms yet," She laughed.

"How about we go shopping?" I suggested, knowing that it would make Lover agree, and Midnights would just go along with whatever.

"Okay, let's go get them," We both walked downstairs to find that Lover and Midnights were, in fact, on speaking terms.

"I wanna stay here, ids fun here," Said Lover. It wasn't unusual for Lover to act like a baby, but I could tell something was up.

"Lover come on we have to get you upstairs before they come down-" Midnights was dragging Lover, who was resisting at all costs, by the hand, trying to get her to come.

"Before who comes down?" I stepped into the doorway, raising my eyebrows.

"Um- we were uh, just leaving, we'll leave you to it," She smiled hurriedly at me. "Come ON Lover,"

"Owwww you pulled my arm," Lover pulled said arm out of her grip and rubbed it, pouting.

"Oh stop being such a fucking baby, it was just weed" Midnights rolled her eyes as Lover sniffed and started crying.

"Aaand here's the confession," Said Folklore, stepping out from behind me and walking over to Lover.

"I'm telling Reppy on you," Lover glared at Midnights tearfully.

"Can't tell your precious Reppy now can you? She's gone,"

"Ok Midnights that's enough we're going upstairs," I stepped forward and grabbed her arm forcefully, pulling her into the hallway.

"What do you want, I was handling it fine,"

"Look I know you're high and I know you got Lover high, but there's no need to be a bitch to her, it's not her fault she's like this," I said.

"Well then it's not my fault either, it's the fucking weed!" She retaliated.

"Yes I know that's part of the reason, but excuse me for saying this, you're kind of a bitch without weed as well,"

"Hey, when have I ever been a bitch to you?"

"By completely ignoring my existence until Rep introduced you to me and I started giving you weed," I said, looking at her judgingly. "And you can count on that offer being taken away now,"

"Fine," she glared at me and stormed upstairs.

Folklore's perspective;

After Eve left to talk to Midnights, I was left to deal with Lover.

"Reppy left me, does that mean she doesn't love me?" She asked, red eyes slightly ruining the effect of her cuteness.

"Of course she loves you," I sighed. "She didn't want to leave,"

"Really?" She looked up at me.

"Really really. Now how about you get some sleep, huh?" I patted her shoulder comfortingly. "You don't have to go upstairs, and you can text Rep when you wake up, how about that?"

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