Chapter 12

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Rep's perspective;

After she said I love you, I sat in shock for a few seconds, but as she started to backtrack I cut her off.

"I love you too Lover," I smiled, but then hesitated awkwardly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable by being too close.

"So um, I got the video that she took of you," I said after a while, as the conversation had somehow flowed to what had happened in the past few days.

"Mhm," she chewed on her lip.

"Are you ok, are you in pain or anything? Do you need ice or something?" I asked. She looked terrible, she had bruises all over her and cuts down one of her arms that I had noticed despite her trying to cover them.

"I'm alright, could have done with some ice a d-day or two ago though," she joked, but I picked up the tremble in her voice.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I know the piece of shit that did that to you, she's always been weird but never this bad,"

"Thanks Reppy, I'm sorry that you have to deal with me,"

"No babe not at all, don't you dare think that, I'm just here to make sure that you're okay and you can heal and move past this," I said. "On that note, do you think it might be helpful if we booked you in for a few sessions with a therapist?" 

"As much as I hate to say it, you're probably right," She said. "Can we book it online now before I can chicken out?" 

"Of course," I picked up my phone and looked up the number for a good place, then dialed it. 

"Hello how may I help you?" A female voice came through the phone and I put it on speaker. 

"Hi do you have any appointments in the next few weeks?" I asked

"Yes of course, when abouts would you be looking to book?" The lady on the other end asked.

"Whenever you have a session I guess, we're not picky," 

"We have an opening on Thursday afternoons at 2pm with Mackenzie, does that work?"

"Sure," Said Lover. "The name for it would be Lover," 

"Alright, all ready to go! Mackenzie is amazing, I'm sure you'll love her. See you then," She hung up 

Midnight's perspective; (This is very random and had no plot developement at all so feel free to skip it)

"Mid why is there a sunbaking frog on the motorbike handle?" Asked 1989 when we stopped and I convinced her to take her head out of my jacket. 

"Oh that's Jimmy," I had got Jimmy from a childhood friend, and eventually found a place to put him. "Jimmy is THE lone wolf. He also acts as a helmet holder."

(This is Jimmy, Jimmy is amazing)

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(This is Jimmy, Jimmy is amazing)

"Um, I don't know how to ask this," She said, "But are you high?" 

"No, why?" 

"No reason, just you have a sunbathing frog on your handle to hold your unicorn helmet," She frowned. "Not that I'm complaining, I love the helmet," 

"If you don't respect Jimmy then we can't be together," I shrugged 

"Ok ok, Jimmy is a lone wolf," She said, hanging her helmet on him. 

"No, Jimmy is THE lone wolf," I corrected. "Now we can go to lunch, come on," I took her hand and walked her to both of our favourite very sophisticated restaurant, McDonalds. 

1989's perspective; 

After we finished lunch, Midnights told me she had another surprise for me. 
"you seem to have this planned out awfully well for an impromptu date," I said. 

"Shh, I might have planned this for when we got together," she said, passing me back a helmet. 

"Hey, I want the unicorn helmet," I said

"The unicorn helmet is mine, use that one or no helmet," She shrugged and started the engine. 

"No don't start moving I'm not ready yet!" I panicked, putting on the helmet and grabbing her waist tightly. 

"Chill babe I know what I'm doing," 

"Famous last words, don't crash us into a tree please," 

"Stop complaining, we're going to the beach," (Yes I am aware they are wearing hoodies or whatever but the weather is magical and is now hot)

"Yay!" I hugged her from behind and she took off. "I DON'T HAVE SWIMMERS MID," I yelled over the noise of the wind rushing past us

"I BROUGHT SOME FOR YOU," She yelled back. 

When we arrived we both quickly changed and ran out to the beach. 

"C'mon, let's run in and go under the water," I took her hand and sprinted into the water, salty droplets ricocheting in every direction as we splashed through the water, picking up our feet to not fall over. 

"You look so hot right now," She said. I turned around to face her and she put her hands on my waist, pulling me closer. I reached up and kissed her, tasting the salt on her lips. I wished I could stay that way forever, kissing in the water with the sun shining on us, but after a minute she pulled away. "God, the things I would do to you if we weren't in public right now," She whispered. 

"Stop it, behave," I laughed, shoving her. She lost her balance and fell into the water, pulling me down on top of her. We stayed floating on our backs for a while, peacefully bobbing over the waves and holding hands. 

"Let's go home,"  She said

"But I wanna stay in the water, I don't want to dry off," I protested

"Oh you'll be wet again soon enough," she muttered just loud enough for me to hear, the sexual innuendo taking me a second to understand. 

"MID," I rolled my eyes at her and started walking out to shore. 


Mother🎤; Hi all, I need to talk to Debut, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989 and Reputation as soon as you are available

Evermore 🍂; You really could have just said you needed to talk to the first 6 albums

Mother🎤; Good point, I knew there was a point in making a smart one

Folklore 🩶; Hey what do you mean, I'm smart too

Mother🎤; It's not a competition 

Debut🤠; Are we in trouble?

Mother🎤; No I just need to talk to you about something

Mother🎤; Meet at my house for dinner, only you six though, not the others


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