Chapter 28

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1 week has passed

Midnight's perspective;

I think part of the reason I hadn't been smoking or drinking was because I'd been too busy with making sure Lover was okay - and I wasn't complaining. It kind of made me feel a sense of accomplishment, like I had actually done something useful with my life for once. 

Everyone was preparing for the new album to come, which was fun, but I had some concerns. 

"Um, hi Lover," I walked into her room. 

"Hi Mid, come in," She smiled warmly and shuffled over to make room for me to sit down. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah actually, I'm going well, I just need advice," I bit my lip, and although I knew that we both knew all of the other person's shit and trauma, i was worried she would judge me. 

"Whatever it is I won't judge you," She said, and I blinked, wondering if I had said that out loud. 

"You can read my thoughts scarily well sometimes," I shook my head, laughing. "Just um, y'know how we're having a party to welcome the new album?" 

"Yeah, go on," 

"Uh, well, it's just that I've been sober for so long and I know that it's normal to drink occasionally, like at parties, but I'm worried that if I start I won't be able to stop," I admitted hurriedly. "And I don't wanna slip back to doing that,"

"Oh Mid," She rubbed a thumb across my forearm comfortingly. "Do you want some solutions?" I nodded, not making eye contact. 

"Well one solution is that you could not drink at all," She started. "You wouldn't be the only person, Fearless can't drink," 

"That's the thing, that's what I want to do but I don't trust myself," I banged a fist on the bed angrily. 

"Hey, it's okay, we don't have to have alcohol at all really," She shrugged. "Who says you need alcohol at a party?" 

"Y-you'd do that for me?" My voice faltered. 

"Of course I would," She said gently. "I just want everyone to be happy," 

"Thanks Lover, it means a lot," I smiled

"Well you've done a lot for me," 

Folklore's perspective; This part's fucking depressing idk what happened I planned for it to be happy :D

I was thinking about where I should go to be social, and I saw a post about a local cat cafe, which sounded like it would be a lot of fun, and I would share a common interest with the people there.

I pulled up outside and sat in the car for a minute to go over what I was going to say. 

Hi my name's Folklore I like cats... No that's dumb. Hi do you like cats? Obviously they do you dumbass why else would they be there? Just start simple, just say hi and if they say something nice back then introduce yourself. 

When I payed for a latte and entered, I noticed someone across the room who would be about my age, and walked over. 

"Hi," I said, and she turned around abruptly, seeming startled. 

"Um... Hi? Did you want to say something?" 

"I like your jumper," 

"Thank you?" 

"You're welcome. It has a cat on it," I noted. 

"I've noticed," She went to turn away. 

"Do you want to know how many cat breeds I can name in a minute?" I got her attention and she turned back around, sighing. 

"No, not particularly," She said coldly. 

"Oh, um, that's okay. I'm Folklore," I stuck my hand out. You fucking idiot Lover told you not to be so formal. 

"Okay Folklore, well how about you leave me alone and stop being so creepily over interested," She used the childish sing-song voice, swatting my hand away and rolling her eyes at me. 

"Oh," I put my hand back in my pocket. "Okay," As I crossed the room and reached the door I turned back around. "That was really mean, I hope you know that,"

"Oh my god actually just leave, please," 

"I don't know whether you enjoy making other people sad but I think you should know that I'm trying to make a friend and people like you don't help," My voice was quiet, but my thoughts were loud. 

"That's actually so sad, you're twying to make a fwiend are you? Well there's a preschool down the road, try there," She laughed harshly. "Grow the fuck up lady," 

I walked down the stairs, leaving my coffee on the table and walking down the stairs shakily, biting my lip so hard I tasted the bitter metallic of blood on my tongue. 

I sat in the car, grounding myself through the pain in my mouth and beginning to drive. I continued breathing deeply all the way home, not wanting to risk getting in a car accident over something that little. 

When I walked in, I wanted to go straight to my room but was intercepted by Lover. 

"Lorie, are you okay? What happened?" I shook my head, walking upstairs to get away, but she followed. 

"Go away," I muttered. 

"I'm not letting you be alone." She said. "You don't have to talk about it, but I'm not letting you be alone," 

"Good to know there's one person that doesn't hate me," I mumbled, my voice cracking as I sat down. Tears started rolling down my cheeks without my permission, and I wiped them away quickly, but I couldn't stop crying. "I- I'm just so f-fucking stupid," I cried. 

"No you're not," Lover said soothingly. "You're not stupid at all," 

"I can never d-do anything right," I sobbed, grabbing at my wrists. "Everyone hates me a-and with good reason, I-I deserve it," A sudden wave of anger washed over me, and I balled my fist, hitting it on my leg and relishing in the sweet pain as I rambled on and on. 

"Folklore," Lover stood up. "Folklore stop it right now," She said sternly, and I paused for a second, staring at the bruise blossoming like a deathly flower on my thigh before breaking down into fresh bursts of tears. "Lorie it's okay, oh come here," She rushed over and enveloped me in a hug. 

I buried my head in her shirt, not caring about the fact that I was wetting it. 

Speak now doesn't love you enough to be loyal. 

And you lost feelings - maybe this is your fault. 

It is, you probably never liked her to begin with. 

You didn't deserve her, now you're crying to Lover. 


And what happened today? 

That was your fault as well. Everything that she said was true. 

"SHUT UP," I hadn't meant to yell it out loud, but the thoughts wouldn't stop coming and I needed them to go away, they were hurting my head and my heart. Lover just wrapped her arms around me and let me cry more. 


When the tears subsided, I sat up and wiped my eyes with the sheet. 

"There you are," Lover smiled. 

"Hi," I sniffed. "Sorry about that,"

"All good, we all have our moments," 

I chuckled. 

"Plus, who needs to make friends," I chuckled. "You're awesome Lover thanks," 

"Any time," 

A/N; SOOO that was more depressing than expected but this time I actually promise it'll get better, the next part is ttpd release 


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