Chapter 17

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Lover 🩷

Hi Rep how r u going?

Personally Im fine

Wdym? is everyone ok

Idk but Debut got caught trying to sneak out with me

I didn't manage to get out btw

Omg really

I hope she's ok

Enough abt that, how r u doing

Im alright, a bit lonely though

I'm so sorry i can't be there

Its fine its not ur fault

Ik but still it's shit

Wait theres someone coming

Who is it?

is it just the dude or is it Debut



Sorry, I had to relocate to the bathroom

Debut came back

IS SHE OK?????



not rlly

You better be nice to her

I know you don't like her

But you know what it was like for me

But she's so annoying



I'd better go bye Luv!

Bye Reppy 🩷

Rep's perspective; 

I sighed, putting my phone down and getting up to face what was going on. When Debut came back, I kind of froze up and didn't know what to say, so I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in there. 

I mean, It's not because I didn't feel bad for her, she looked terrible. I just didn't know what to do - When Lover came back, it was easier, because it was just us two and I let her do her thing, but there was so many people. 

"Um, hi," I walked out of the bathroom and over to Debut, planning on apologising, but she looked at me like I was a monster. 

"Really Rep?" 1989 asked. 

"What, I was going to apologise," 

"Come here," She pulled me away from the others. "Has it occured to you that you are the reason that this happened? This is all your fault, we would be fine without you here. You messed everything up, as always. Would it kill you to show some kindness to her?"

"I was trying to, just then I-"

"Save it, all she wants is for you to like her and to be your friend, but you couldn't possibly let her in, so instead you put up these walls towards everyone to keep them out and never let them know what's going on. We want to be your friends Rep, but you need to let us in," 

"I'll let you in, I-"

"Not right now, you've done enough," She walked away. 

I sunk down on the bed, wondering what to do. I wanted to make it better, but 1989 was right. I'd really messed up this time. I hadn't realised that I had put up walls, but I guess I had, because I didn't even realise that all Debut was trying to do was be nice to me, and I repaid that by not helping her get out of trouble. 

Fearless' perspective; 

I had pulled my bed over to connect mine to Debut's so that I could lay next to her, as they were single beds so that would have been very cramped. When she first came back he practically threw her in, but she managed to stumble to the bed and lay down. I rushed over and went to take her hand, but she flinched away. 

It broke my heart to watch her try to stop crying, but each time a new set of tears overwhelmed her. Eventually she fell asleep crying, and I pushed her damp hair off her face, smiling sadly. 

"Is she asleep?" Speak now asked. 

"I think so, I feel so bad for her," I sat up and Speak now perched on the end of my bed, Red joining her. 

"I just wish I could make it better, I don't know how I should go about doing anything," I confessed. 

"I think you just being there for her is enough-" Red started, but Bicycle opened the door again. "God why do you have to do it so dramatically every time," 

"I've decided who's going to leave first- First being a month from now," He grinned. I looked around, wondering who it would be (and secretly hoping it would be Rep). His eyes wandered the room, and landed on me. 

"No please, I have to be there for-" 

"I don't think you get a say in this. I'll remind you when it's been a month," He left, shutting the door abruptly. I put my head in my hands, silently cursing him for the whole situation. I was going to be out first, which meant that I didn't have to stay in as long as the others, but also that I had to leave Debut. 

"How are you going to tell her?" Red gestured to the sleeping girl, and I grimaced. 

"I have a month... Do I have to tell her right away?" 

"Yes, otherwise you'll just get weighed down keeping it a secret," Speak now looked at me sternly and I rolled my eyes. 

"Okay, just give me a few days, I haven't talked to her at all yet," 

"Fine, but promise you will do it," 

"Okay," I nodded. "I'd better get to be, its getting late," 

"See you in the morning," Speak now rubbed my arm and walked over to her own bed. 

A/N; Short one but I took way too long to do this 

Also I'm so happy I hit 100 star thingies (What r they called 😭)


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