Chapter 27

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Rep's perspective; 

I ran a hand through my hair, nervously waiting for Midnights to text me with news about Lover. I jumped as the phone rang, and I picked up. 

"Hey Mid, how'd it go?" I asked nervously, Lover had seemed really riled up.

"Well, she's sleeping now, she blew up a bit before," 

"Ughhh," I rested my head on the bedhead and sighed. 

"You good?" 

"This is going to sound really selfish and bitchy, but I wish I was the one that was there with her," 

"Nah that's not bitchy, you're her girlfriend," She said. "I wanted to talk to you about something though," 

"Hit me," 

"She... expressed that she felt like no one cared about how she was feeling until you know, everything happened, and I just thought you should know," 

"Damn, I hadn't thought of it that way," I said, chewing on my bottom lip. "I guess neither of us really talked about feelings a lot," 

"Valid," She laughed. "Look I have to go, but thanks for pre warning me about lover,"

"Thanks for handling it," 

There was a pause before she replied. "Can you keep an eye on Nine for me?" 

"Absolutely," I said. "Bye Midnights,"

"Bye Rep," 

I smiled as she hung up, glad that everything worked out. 

Red's perspective; 

Unlike Fearless, I was excited to leave, and for good reason I suppose. I mean who would really prefer to be in a basement than in a house with their girlfriend? I was sad to leave Debut, and even Speak Now a little bit, but I definitely wasn't going to miss the basement and Bicycle and the food. 

I put the date in my phone for when I would be leaving so I had enough time to pack and everything. Only 25 days to go, I thought to myself.  

Debut and I were sitting on my bed in silence when I had a thought. 

"Hey, Debut?" I turned to her. "Can I ask you a kind of personal question?" 

"Mhm," She nodded. 

"You haven't really talked to anyone about what happened," I noted. "Not that you have to talk to me, I just thought that it's probably not good to keep everything bottled up,"

"Mm," She made a non-committal noise and continued to look at her phone.

"Look, as I said, you don't have to talk to me, just consider talking to someone about it, it's not good for you,"  

"K" She said hesitantly. "What do I say though, just like 'Oh hey, can I talk to you about that time I got abused?' 'Cus that's kinda weird," 

"Well obviously you're not going to go up to a stranger and say that, I mean like me, or, I don't know, one of your school friends?" 

"You're assuming I have friends at school?" She muttered under her breath. 

"Well uh, I dunno, yes?" 

"Well I don't okay?" She glared at me. "I have to go do some worksheets," 

"Since when do you care about worksheets- and where did you get them from?" I called after her. "Hey come back!"

Lover's perspective; 

I woke up at 6:00 am the next morning, and I squinted at my clock, disconcerted after having slept for so long. 

"Did I really just sleep for 14 hours?" I questioned out loud, before getting up and walking downstairs. 

"Hi Folklore," I walked into the kitchen to find her sitting at the table with a cup of tea and some toast, as she did every morning. 

"Hi Lover," She greeted me. 

"Um did you, uh..." 

"Hear you yesterday? Yeah, don't worry about it," She waved it off, chuckling. I took a seat across from her, folding my legs between my body and the table. 

"Sorry," I said sheepishly. 'I was a bit loud,"

"Really Lover, it's all good. You seem like you got a lot of sleep which is good,"

"Yeah I slept from like yesterday afternoon until now," I said. 

"You know," She said, moving the conversation on. "You and I have something in common,"

"What would that be?" 

"Well for one, we're both the therapist friends," She said, and I nodded in agreement. "And two, we could both work on expressing our emotions a little better," 

"Yeah but-"

"Lover I'm trying to get better at being comfortable with talking to people, please just let me have this one," She pleaded. "

"Oh, okay," I looked at her, confused. "Can I ask why?" 

"I guess we haven't really talked enough for you to realise this, but I don't have any friends outside of you guys," She admitted. "And even some of the other's I don't talk to, so I'm practicing to make friends," 

"That's really nice Lorie," I smiled at her. 

"I sound like a primary school kid making friends at recess, don't I," She laughed again, finishing her food and standing up to put it in the sink. "Can I get you anything Lover?" 

"No, I'm alright for now," I said. "Um Folklore, could I help you? Like, give you tips?" 

"Yes please," She looked relieved, coming back over and sitting down. 

"Okay, for starters, don't get offended by any of this," I started, and she nodded in agreement. "1; You don't always have to address people by their full names all the time,"

"But that's being polite," She looked at me and I held up a hand and continued. 

"2; You don't always have to be so uptight, people want to be friends with you, they aren't your business partners," I continued, laughing at the look of bewilderment that had spread across her face. 

"Looks like you have a lot to learn Lorie, sit down," 

"But I'm already sitting!" 

"It's an expression," I explained. "It's kind of like 'you're going to want to sit down for this', it doesn't literally mean you have to take a seat,"

"I don't get it," She crossed her arms and leant back in her seat, pouting slightly. "I'm supposed to be the smart one," 

"You are smart, just you don't get some of the social things," She still looked unhappy. 

"But whyyy," She pestered. 

"I don't know it's just like how I'm bad at maths, but I'm good at songwriting, you're good with words, but not social," 

"I guess that makes sense," She shrugged. "Go on," 

A/N; Jesus I'm surprising myself with all these updates what is going on

I probably won't update until Wednesday or Thursday because I'm going on camp


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