Chapter 18

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Lover's perspective;

"Shit," I muttered, waking up to bright sunlight entering my room. I rolled over to check the time and realised I'd slept through my alarm, and had my appointment in half an hour.

I had a quick shower and threw on some clothes, planning on grabbing breakfast on the way. When I got to the car, Midnights was sitting in the drivers seat, starting it.

"Oh hi Lover, did you need the car?" She asked, winding the window down.

"Yes," I answered shortly, still not being completely friendly with Midnights considering the prior few weeks events.

"Sorry I forgot you were using it today. D'you want a lift?" She offered, and I nodded grudgingly and walked to the other side of the car and hopped in. We rode in awkward silence as I punched the address into the navigator, noticing her occasionally glancing over at me. "Um, how are you... going?"

I gave her a funny look, pulling my jumper up further to cover the bruises that still covered my shoulders.

"Fine," I brushed off the question. "How are you doing?"

"Honestly, not that great," She said.

"What's up?"

"I'm just not feeling the greatest at the moment, I was having such a good time with 'Nine but she had to leave, which you would understand," She shrugged, turning down the street.

"We're early, can I wait in the car for a few minutes?" I asked. She nodded and I unclipped my seatbelt, adjusting my position to be slightly facing towards her.

"So you're feeling down?"

"Yeah, a little. I'm fine though, I-" She started, waving off my concerns.

"No, talk to me,"

"Well, I'm just kind of having a rough time being positive and like, I started smoking again and I know I shouldn't, because 'Nine made me give it up, but she's away and she won't know but then I feel guilty and then I lock myself in my room and smoke more to take my mind off it," She leant her head back against the car seat and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up," I put a hand on her arm and rubbed it with my thumb. "I know it's hard, okay?"

"But it's never THIS hard," Her voice broke.

"Hey, I can't do therapy today, how about we ditch this and do something fun?"

"Fuck therapy," She mumbled

"Yeah, fuck therapy," I agreed. "Start the car,"

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, just drive!" I buckled her seatbelt as well as my own as she smiled at me tearfully and started the car.

Speak Now's perspective;

Lorie 🩶

Hey Lorie

Hi, how are you?

Im ok

can you call


Incoming call

"Hey how are you baby" Folklore's voice rung through the phone

"Fine, it's still bloody chaotic though"


"Lover didn't tell you? I assumed Rep told her and she told you,"

"No, she hasn't really been talking that much to anyone,"

"I hope she's okay, I would ask her though, I don't want to be heard talking about it too loud,"

"Um, alright,"

"Can I ask you about something?"

"Anything babe,"

"Thanks," I said. "Fearless has to tell Debut something but I'm worried she's not going to, you know how much she procrastinates,"

"No, I don't, I don't know her very well,"

"Oh, well she's a big overthinker, and I'm worried it'll hurt Debut even more as a result,"

"I'm guessing I'll find out what she's overthinking when Lover tells me what Rep told her that happened that involved Debut and Fearless that you talked to Fearless about that could hurt Debut," I could hear the confusion in her voice.

"Yup, that's right,"

"Honestly, leave her to do it herself UNLESS she gets to the point where you need to do something, and then talk to Fearless before you do anything,"

"Thanks for the advice babe, talk soon,"

"Talk soon,"

I hung up and looked over at Debut and Fearless, and caught Fearless' eye. She waved me over, and I stood up and walked over, shooting her a confused look. I sat down beside her.

"I don't know what to do," She whispered in my ear.

"What do you mean," I whispered back.

"She's still not letting me touch her, I'm really worried about her,"

"That sucks I wish we weren't here," I put my arm around her. "You can talk to me if it gets too much,"

"Thanks, you're such a good friend," Fearless looked over and saw Debut stirring, then moved away from under my arm.

Debut's perspective;

I heard Fearless and Speak now talking, because I wasn't really asleep, I just couldn't face the world yet. I felt bad for Fearless having to put up with me, but I really was trying my best. I decided to explain it to her when Speak now left, which happened pretty quickly.

"Hey baby how are you going?" She asked me.

"Morning Fi," I smiled at her, taking a deep breath. "Can I hold your hand?" I asked, watching as she smiled at me. 

"Of course, are you sure you're ready?" She asked. 

"I think so," I reached out my hand and she took it softly, rubbing her thumb over my palm in circles. She shuffled closer, but not so close we were touching, and I gave her a genuine smile for the first time since I came back. 

"Good job," She looked at me proudly, but her smile wavered for a second, and I could tell she had something on her mind. "I hope this doesn't set anything back, but um, do you think it would be a good idea to talk about what happened at some point? Doesn't have to be immediately, just in general," I tensed up, fidgeting with my free hand. 

"I think that might be a good idea, yeah," I admitted. 

"Okay, just don't feel pressured, we're doing this at your pace, and I'm here for you whatever you need," 

"You're actually the best person ever," I said earnestly. "Could you get me some cereal?" 

"Absolutely, be right back," She squeezed my hand and then left to go get food

A/N; I focus more on this than my actual english exam but whatever 🤪 Also I have a new book but I'll just update it occasionally, this is my main one. 

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