Chapter 13

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Taylor's perspective; 

"Dinner's ready, come grab a plate," I called.

When we were sat at the table there was meaningless conversation for a while until I decided that I had to break the news. 

"So I obviously invited you all here for a reason," I started, all of them nodding. "Well, I have to break some bad news to you," 

"Get it over and done with," Reputation rolled her eyes, sipping her water. 

"Um, well I don't actually own you guys," I said, chewing on my bottom lip.

"Who does?" Debut asked, looking worried. Fearless took her hand under the table, thinking she was being subtle and no one would notice. 

"A man named bicycle, and he's requested for you all to go live with him until I can buy you back," I grimaced as everyone started to talk at once. "One at a time, you guys act like five year olds," 

"What's he going to do if we don't live with him, kidnap us?" Reputation asked defensively

"Well yes that was what he was planning on doing," I shrugged

"Can't the others come live with him as well? I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say I don't want to leave my girlfriend," Speak now looked around the room and everyone except Fearless and Debut nodded in agreement.  

"Unfortunately not," I hesitated before breaking another lot of bad news. "Also, he wants you there by tomorrow," 

"Oh my god this keeps on getting worse," 1989 glared at me. 

"There is some good news i guess?" I offered. "You don't have to stay there forever, one of you can leave every few weeks when I buy you back... well, after a month or two, and you can still have phones and communicate and stuff," 

"Oh how absolutely wonderful, we're not completely cut off from society!" Red said sarcastically. 

I felt so bad about the whole situation, Debut looked like she was going to cry, I could tell that Rep was mentally murdering me, and everyone else was panicking about what was going to happen. 

"We should probably go now," 1989 stood up and the rest followed suit, muttering awkward goodbyes as they left. 

1989's perspective; 

"So," I sat down in the driver's seat as everyone piled in.

"So?" Red looked at me quizzically. 

"I don't know, we just got told that we're essentially peacefully being kidnapped, I have lots of thoughts right now!" I gripped the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white. 

"Jeez, chill," She put her hands up. 

"What do you mean chill? How are you so calm about this Red, this isn't normal-I'm scared, so maybe you could try and show some compassion for once in your life," Debut burst out, starting to cry. 

"Hey, don't cry, we'll be together," Fearless wrapped an arm around her, staring daggers at all of us over her head and silently conveying the message not to question it. I awkwardly cleared my throat and started the van, making sure everyone was buckled in before taking off. 

The drive home was tense and silent, which gave me time to think about what I was going to say to Midnights. Unfortunately, not enough time, because soon enough we arrived back at our house, pulling in just as the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. I bit my lip and knocked on midnight's door. 

"Hey babe, how was dinner?" She asked, letting me in. "Are you okay?" She looked concerned. 

"Um, it was... fine," I sat down on the edge of the bed. "She gave us some news," 

"What happened, who died?" She pulled me backwards so I was lying half on top of her, my head resting on her chest. 

"The six of us have to go live with some dude, he owns us," I looked up at her

"Oh," She said. 

"Are you mad?" 

"No babe of course not, I just... I'm going to miss you," She started to play with my hair, burying her face in the nape of my neck. I giggled at the sensation of feeling her warm breath fanning over my skin.

"Softie," I teased. She chuckled and started tickling me. "STOP IT," I squealed, trying to grab her hands. 

"Got to make use of our last night together somehow, might as well make it fun," 

"Oh?" I smirked. I glanced at the door 

"Twist to the left to lock it,"

Speak now's perspective; 

I walked into Folklore's room, biting my nails as I greeted her and sat down. 

"Hey don't bite your nails," She grabbed my hand and held it between hers. "What's wrong? You haven't bitten your nails for ages," 

"Lorie I-I have to leave to live somewhere else with the other five because Taylor doesn't own us," I felt a lump in my throat rise as I thought of having to leave her and not know when I would see her again. 

"Don't cry baby, how long is it for?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, one of us gets let out every week or so, but not for at least a month and I'm scared, what if he's mean?" 

"It'll be okay, you can always call or text me and if he's mean then you have the others that you are there with," 

"I guess," I moved over to sit in her lap, and she hugged me from the side and comforted me as tears quietly dropped down my cheeks. I think I eventually went to sleep. 

Rep's perspective; 

I felt sick with guilt even though I hadn't done anything wrong, but I just felt so bad leaving lover on her own, especially when she was in such a vulnerable state. When we were lying in bed together, she noticed something was wrong. 

"Is everything ok Reppy? You're very quiet," She looked over at me. 

"Today um, we got told that... god how do I say this," I chewed on the inside of my lip. "Can I hold your hand?" 

"Sure," She reached out her hand for me to take, and I intertwined our fingers. 

"I have to leave for a couple of weeks, maybe months, to go live with some bicycle dude because he was a bitch and bought us off of Taylor, and now he wants us until she can pay him back," I squeezed her hand gently. 

"I don't want you to go," She whispered, looking at me with her big eyes welling with tears. 

"I'm so sorry Luv, I have to," I replied. "I don't want to, I promise you I would do anything if it meant I could stay. I'll call you every day," 

"Okay," She smiled. "I love you,"

"Love you too," I pulled the blanket up and we both went to sleep, hands still intertwined. 

A/N; Two updates in one day, I'm feeding you guys

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