Chapter 9

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3rd person perspective; (Tw for SA (not in detail just vague) please don't read it if it's going to trigger you)

Karma led Lover into a small room, and opened a draw, facing away from Lover so she couldn't see what she was doing. She pulled out a small knife she planned on using later, and dropped it on the bedside table.

"Get down," Karma ordered. Lover laid down quickly, scared out of her mind.

"W-What are y-you doing?"

"Shut up, no talking unless I say. Follow my orders bitch," She spat. Lover nodded, twisting her hands together anxiously. Karma grabbed a pair of handcuffs and raised Lovers hands above her head, pinning them to the bed frame. Lover was breathing heavily and quickly, trying to fight off a panic attack. Karma continued to hold her arms down, and started teasingly playing with the hem of her shirt. 

"STOP," Lover yelled, and immediately widened her eyes in fear and realisation of what she did and the subsequent consequences.

"What did you say?" Karma grabbed the knife and leaned closer to her. Lover shook her head desperately.

Karma raised the knife to her throat and rubbed it against the skin threateningly.

"I SAID WHAT DID YOU SAY," She shouted, and Lover leapt backwards at the sudden noise, banging against the bed frame.

"I- I said stop," She whispered, tears dropping from her eyes. Karma roughly pulled Lover towards her and sliced the knife across the skin of her arm. Lover tried to recoil her arm but her grip was inescapable. Karma continued to make cuts down her arm until she reached her hand.

"Consider that a warning," Karma hissed. "I could do worse." Then she grabbed Lover's face and kissed her roughly. "No complaints, you hear me this time?"

Lover's perspective; 

I could feel Karma's hot breath on my face before she kissed me, the lingering smell of alcohol and cigarettes infiltrating my senses. After kissing me for a while she took off my clothes. I was sobbing for a while but after that there was this sense of numbness that washed over me, and I layed there and let her finish. When she was done, she thought I was asleep so she left me alone in the room.

As soon as she left I curled up in a ball and started sobbing for all the things that I had, and the fact that I would probably never entirely go back to the way my life was before this. Eventually I cried myself to sleep on the hard, lumpy mattress, finding comfort in pressing my knees tightly to my chest inside Rep's hoodie.

Speak now's perspective;
The morning after the party, I woke up in bed alone, which was strange because I went to sleep with folklore next to me. When I'd woken up properly I heard noises coming from the bathroom so I decided to check if she was ok.

"Baby can I come in?" I knocked. She didn't answer so I opened the door and saw her kneeling in front of the toilet, obviously trying not to throw up.

I rushed to her side and put my arm around her.

"I don't wanna throw up," she cried

"You'll feel better ok? You need to get it out of your system and you won't feel yucky anymore,"

"Yes I will, the taste is disgus-" she gagged and I pulled her hair back and rubbed her back while soothing her.

After she was done she started crying, so I stood up and let her to the sink to give her some mouth wash.

"Do you wanna go back to bed?" I asked.

"Can we cuddle?"

"Sure" I nodded and helped her into the bedroom.

(@isntitdelicate013 I kind of stole your idea but I was already planning on doing it so 🤷🏼‍♀️)

Midnights perspective;
If I'm being honest I don't remember much of the party, I was too drunk. I just know that me and Rep hooked up, which probably wasn't my best drunk decision ever.

When I eventually came out of my room the next day, no one was there so I took some painkillers and made myself food.

Just as I started to wonder where they were, they burst back through the door.

"Hey guys where were you," I asked through a mouthful

They all ignored me and walked past, but Speak now hung back and whispered to me;

"We were visiting Debut in hospital," I immediately started questioning her, but she shook her head and kept walking.

I was assuming they were ignoring me because of what I did with rep, which doesn't make sense because it's not like I cheated on any of them right? I decided to talk to Rep about it so I walked up and barged into her room.

"Hey Rep, about last night-"

"Fuck off midnights you've done enough," she said, not looking away from the screen.

"Hey it's not my fault you're a horny bitch when you're drunk," I said, pushing it a bit.

"I could say the same about you, you initiated it." She glared at me.

"Anyways, I wanted to come up and clarify that it meant nothing, because-"

"It meant nothing bye" she waved me off. 

A/N; Another short chapter but there's a lot in it ig

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