Chapter 8

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Fearless' perspective; 

I was so scared when Debut fell down the stairs, I was worried she would never wake up. I kept yelling out to people, but no one could either hear me or cared, so I drove to the hospital. When she did eventually wake up, I was so relieved I just wanted to jump on the bed and kiss her, but I didn't 

The doctor told us she could go home, so we gathered our stuff and left. While we were walking out, she wrapped her arm around me. 

"I don't like hospitals," She whispered in my ear. 

"Aw why not?" I returned the gesture and pulled her closer, rubbing her shoulder. 

"It makes me sad thinking about all the sick people and the people who aren't going to get better," She looked up at me and I smiled at how cute she was. Just as we were rounding the corner to leave, she hid behind me. 

"What's up?" I asked, concerned. 

"There's a dude from my school, he's rude to me," She said. 

"Hey, how about you go ahead and walk out, and I'll follow after you're gone? Just ignore him and he won't notice you," I hugged her and let her go, pushing her slightly towards the door. 

"Just please promise me that whatever happens you won't come and back me up or whatever," She pleaded. 

"You're scaring me, but sure. Go," 

She walked out and tried to quickly walk past the guy with her head down, but he stood up and called out to her. 

"Hey you," She turned around slowly, shoulders drooping. "Look what we have here," He said, and she walked quickly away from him, but he followed. He grabbed her shoulder and pushed her against a wall, and she shrunk backwards. "Don't think I didn't see you with your girlfriend before," 

"I-I don't have a girlfriend, she's m- she's my sister," 

"Sure, that's what they all say," He steered her around the corner and I couldn't see them, but I heard something along the lines of 'Gay bitch' 

Soon enough, he walked out and she followed, nearly running out of the sliding glass door. I followed quickly after, and unlocked the car for her to get in. 

"Hey, are you ok? I saw what happened back there and-," 

"I don't want to talk about it, ok? Leave me alone," She said, putting her seatbelt on as I started driving (Safety first guys 😊). I was kind of hurt, but I knew she was sensitive about that kind of stuff. 

"I will, and I'm sorry, I just need to know if he did anything to you that made you uncomfortable," I focused on driving so I didn't have to look at her face. 

"He didn't kiss me or anything, if that's what you're asking, but you want to know what's going on? He tells everyone at school we're dating, and he bullies me for being gay, even though I tell him that I'm not, and when I tried to tell him we aren't dating, he kissed me and said that I was just confused and didn't know what I wanted, and he keeps doing it and I want him to stop but he told me that if I-" She was crying, and she started breathing heavily, so I pulled over. 

"Hey, deep breaths, you're ok," I said, reaching across the console to grab her hand. She continued hyperventilating, so I placed a hand on her cheek and turned her to face me. "Breathe with me baby, in, and out, slowly," I continue to coach her breathing until it returned to normal, and I pulled her into an awkward side hug. "Let's get home and watch a movie, huh?" She nodded thankfully at me. 

Lover's perspective; 

I woke up the next morning on the dingy little couch, arms and legs still tied down. I groaned as the girl came into view. 

"Hi darling, sleep well?" She asked. 

"No," I replied angrily, my voice weak and scratchy. 

"Oh well, too bad. Anyways, I realised that I didn't properly introduce myself, how rude. My name is Karma," She stuck out her hand, teasingly, and then pulled it away. "Oops, forgot that you were still tied up." She untied my arms and legs and I shuffled away from her, pulling my knees into my chest and curling into a tight ball. 

She pulled out a phone and pointed it at me, and I flipped her off, burying my head in my knees. 

"Say cheese, I'm recording," 

"What are you going to do with it?" I mumbled, head still in my knees. 

"Send it to your precious Rep," 

"She doesn't care about me, she cheated on me," 

"Ooh, the plot thickens!" 

"Just leave me alone, haven't you done enough to hurt me?" 

"Oh no, that was just the start. I'm going to have my fun with you today," I could tell that she was smirking without looking at her. "Alright, we have what we need. What's Rep's number?"

"Like I'm going to tell you," I rolled my eyes. 

"You're going to tell me," She said threateningly, walking towards me. "Or I'll knock you out and you might not wake up," She grabbed my shoulders and shook me roughly. 

"Ok ok ok ok ok please let me go," I pleaded. "Its ----------, happy?" 

"Aaand, sent. Let's see if she replies. In the meantime, I've decided that I can't wait until tonight to have fun."

"Wh-what do you mean?" My voice trembled. I soon found out what she meant. 

A/N; Short chapter but idk what to write, next chapter I'll include all the other eras.

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