Chapter 25

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A/N; Most of this is texting

1989's perspective; 

I was awoken by a loud rapping on the door. For a moment I was confused as to where I was, but then I looked around and felt a throbbing pain in my back from falling asleep on the bathroom floor. 

"1989!" Red yelled from outside the door. "NONE OF US HAVE PEED ALL NIGHT, GET OUT," 

"Fine, chill," I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear me, standing up and running a hand through my hair to settle it. I walked out of the bathroom and through the group of people waiting at the door. 

"Thank god I thought I was going to have to piss in the sink," Rep rolled her eyes at me. 

"We were all happy for you to have your heart to heart on the phone but it would have been appreciated if you had moved before you went to sleep," Said Debut earnestly. 

"I'll take that into account for next time I break down in the bathroom," I teased tiredly. 

My phone pinged and I picked it up to see a notification from Midnights. 

Mid 💙

Hi babe how r u going
U fell asleep on the phone last night so i hung up

Omg sorry 

Dont be
U ok now? 

As okay as i can be ig


idk how to explain


Well now ik not to eat bad chicken 

Well thats a good thing 
but i feel like thats not it

How r u going? 

dont change the subject


I didn't know what to say- I didn't want her to think that she hadn't been helpful, but at the same time, I didn't want to falsely make her think everything was fine. 


Mid 💙

Im trying ok
Its hard

ofc your trying
your fucking amazing


wanna try explain now?

Idk i just feel like a failure


Its just so fucking hard
Its not fair

ofc its not fair
life is shit

Gee thanks

let me finish
life is shit BUT

Hehe butt

shush you five year old 
life is shit but you can do it 

You sound like a therapist 


K chill

its hard 
and nothing makes it not hard
but if you give up your giving in
ur letting it win

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