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For the first time I got out and got a chance to see the whole compound of my kidnappers. If anything, I would love for this to have been my home. Gardens of roses were planted in a slanting motion and the ones that captured my eyes were the blue roses. Those flowers were expensive but it seemed not to this guys. The flowers formed a curve in front of the gorgeous mansion. The red ones at the very bottom of the many stairs that led up. Every colour occupied two stairs making a beautiful rainbow pattern. I could tell the gardener was trying to achieve a rainbow pattern because where violet and indigo should have been were other types of flowers. The green were substituted by Thymes giving the place a pleasant smell. The compound was huge and I could tell there was more since this was only the front yard. A sort of shed was built on the right side of the gate and four cars were packed there. The same model and all black with tinted windows. I bet this were the cars they used to kidnap people. On the left side of the gate was a smaller house but three storied and seemed perfectly furnished. The doors were locked but I could tell people lived there because of the curtains on windows.

Going down the steps slowly to avoid hurting myself anymore,I turned to look back at the house. I had completely forgotten Blake was with me and was leading me to where the chauffer would pick me up to drive me home. I was grateful I didn't owe them anything and so I didn't have to work overtime or go see Willow. I shivered at the thought of him. Willow was not a name I loved. He was the man who gave me money during very desperate circumstances like when mom gambled our house and  I heard to pay back in six months. He was super rich but now that I see this mansion, he was nothing compared to them. You know what they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. I remember the first time I met Willow, I was sobbing on the street after a failed attempt to get a job to pay back the money. I couldn't blame the owner though. I was just another twelfth grader whom he thought wanted to buy a pair of sneakers with extra pay. He didn't understand the severity of my situation so I couldn't blame him. When Willow saw me he crouched so he was at eye level with me and took my chin in this pointer finger. I flinched because i hated human contact but I was just an innocent kid. I was twelve. He offered to give me all the money I wanted. All I had to do was show up at his place that evening and do some work for him. I did. And it was my first job and the most disgusting one. I sold myself to pay my mothers debt.

But I was a kid. I didn't even know if I was truly gay at that point. I did it because I couldn't afford to get rained on on top of being starved. I had met Liza some years before. I didn't need a job to get food. She would give me left overs. But as the years went on, I didn't want to seem a burden. Willow told his other perverted friends about me. I became their escape. I earned a little. Until one day when one of mom's boyfriends raped me in the basement when she went to get groceries. I started fearing intercourse from then on. I was so sick after the incident. Mom stopped drinking for some two days to tale care of me. Then she went back to normal. I was Brocken and no one could fix me after that. I decided if I couldn't defend myself by fighting, I'd have to have a witty mouth. When John started bullying me I just answered him to seem brave but I was dead scared.

My first boy crush was a guy named Jeremy. He asked me out, that was when I knew I was gay. He was Johns best friend. If only I knew their plans. I opened up to him. Told him everything I was going through at home. It took eight months for me to tell him. Then he laughed at my face and called me dramatic and someone who wants attention. He said he wasn't gay and was just confirming the rumours in the locker room. The John the football team captain forced me to quit saying he can't have a faggot in the team. That was my junior year. It was the last time I dated a guy. Or dated at all. Its ironic now that I know John is just like me or maybe he is bi. I didn't know and I wasn't sure if I cared. Jeremy had transfered at the start of senior year but at least he stuck around long enough to see how damaged my highschool life was because of him. Johns father had accepted me in that school which was odd. The fees were High and I was sure my mother couldn't afford it. He never spoke of it. He rarely even wanted to see me. When I complained about his son bullying me, it was I who was sent to detention and not the almighty all american John.

That was when I knew no one would help me but myself. I shot back Johns insults but never fought back. All I hoped for was that one day he would kill me and live in the guilt of knowing he killed me because of something he also was.

I never saw Jeremy ever again after he left and I was grateful. I told someone my secrets and they used it against me so typical. I hope someone does that to him too.

"Are you ready to go?" Asked Blake waking me from my thoughts. I gasped and nodded still shocked. I didn't even notice I was crying. He wiped my tears with his thumb which I felt was pretty weird since I didn't know him.

"OK our chauffer Alfred will take you home. But I can't promise you that you won't be seeing us again. We might be frequent visitors from now on....or until we finally get you back." He whispered the last bit to himself but I didn't question his words. Kidnappers were always weird to me anyway.

"OK thanks. I appreciate you guys not killing me. I won't file charges I promise." I said.

He smiled amused and dug into his back pocket and gave me a wide smile.

"Here, you can buy yourself a burger for supper or something." He handed me two hundred dollars!!! This was my whole pay for a month!

"You don't have to,,, really." I spoke softly inwardly thankful. He shrugged like it was nothing and looking at their house, am pretty sure it was.

"Meh! Its for the trouble and for keeping you here till now." He smiled softly and suddenly hugged me making me tense. Human contact!!

"I missed you so much little prince." He said. I was confused by his words but who was I to argue. I got free money.

"Don't forget the Miguel's never lose!" He said looking me straight in the eyes and hugging me again. Their last name sounded familiar but I ignored it. I shrugged. I'd never meet them again anyway. I took a step back as a black car stopped at the bottom of the stairs and I saw their dad behind him. He was looking teary eyed and I didn't know why. Was their chauffer gonna kill me? I didn't care at that point.

"I gotta go." I mumbled and he finally let me go.

"Oh...yeah OK." He sniffled and kissed my forehead. I grimaced. Did he have a crush on me or something. I rushed to the bottom of the stairs and entered the car hurriedly. I needed to leave immediately.

:)Hey guys that applies to everyone who reads this book in case you are wondering:) should I update character aesthetics so you see what they look like or you prefer to imagine them with your own imagination. Now am wondering if anyone loves ginger biscuits or its just me*-*..
Don't forget to vote and comment and add to your library. I hope now you've gotten an image of Arnold's past.

Sometimes even I pity him.

Gotta go...bye lovelies^-^  <3

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