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"Wow! And we are supposed to believe you? Need I remind you Clarence Jace that not less than a month ago you were so deeply sucking Jeremy's....."

"Daniel stop!" Michael warned his son. He turned back to the unexpected guest and sighed.

"So suddenly you're in love with my son?" Michael asked keeping a straight face. Jace sighed. Daniel calling him his real first name came as a shock. Everyone in the mafia world started calling him Jace after his father disowned him because he did not want people to remember his son at all. He honestly hated the name Jace he hoped Daniel would call him Clarence more often.

"Not suddenly sir, I couldn't act on my feelings earlier because it would be a betrayal." Jace said looking at the family warily.

"Betrayal on who?" Asked Blake. Blake was the one person in the Miguel family who knew Jace would not intentionally hurt anyone, not even his youngest brother.

"On Jeremy. He saved me from my father and his abusive nature when he almost killed me. All he asked was for me to....satisfy him." Jace looked down and the family understood he did not want to talk about it. At least not yet.

"So how do you plan to help us? Not even my best men can locate where my son is." Michael gritted his teeth. Jace finally looked up from his feet and gave a slight smile.

"I know who took him, and I can hack into the car that took him to locate where it went." He stated matter of factly. He was determined to get Arnold back.

"May i ask how?" Asked Ben intrigued. "How you know who kidnapped our brother I mean. How sure are we you are not working with them?" He asked and the rest of the family nodded in agreement. Jace sighed.

"I was at the game, well, I wanted to meet up with Arnold, Marcus had told me about it and that Arnold would attend. I wanted to thank him and apologize for hurting his feelings at the hospital." Jace started. "I saw him leave his bench during one of the breaks and followed him out. I waited outside behind a pillar so I could meet him on his way inside the stadium. I did not get the chance though because as soon as he was out of the restrooms, he was kidnapped." Jace explained.

"Who did it Clarence?" Daniel asked now not so angry.

"The Donna of the Italian mafia..." Jace stuttered. Michael's eyes went dark in anger as realization flashed through him.

"Martha?" He gritted out and Jace meekly nodded.

"But she was not alone. The Don of the Russian Mafia was with her." Jace said. Jace being one of the descendants of one of the United States mafias, knew all the Dons and Donnas from a young age. It was a requirement of the education system of mafia descendants. It was aimed to make them distinguish foes from friends. This also encouraged diplomatic relations between warring descendants.

"What does Jordan Ivanov have to do with my son?" Michael's eyes widened. Jace shrugged. Everyone knew the Dons of the Russian mafia had gone to the United states about eleven years before but he still managed to keep his mafia strong no matter how distant he was.

"You said you can track their car?" Asked Blake seeing the distress his father was in. Jace nodded.

"Yeah, I saw the plate of the car and the type." He said. Dennis looked at him and sighed.

"Why did you not tell us this sooner?" He asked the younger male. Jace raised his brow.

"Because all your calls have been going to voice mail and your guards won't let anyone in. I also don't need to remind you how weak I am and my father would not be willing to help me obviously." He said. Dennis guiltily nodded.

"OK let's get to work." Said Chris impatiently. His twin had not talked for two days. He just seemed withdrawn but the whole family knew Cain felt guilty and quite honestly, they felt he deserved to be after how he treated Arnold and pushed him to make them attend his game only to be kidnapped. The family and Jace headed to the mafia computer room so they could access everything Jace might have needed.

Arnold POV

When I woke up I felt a sharp pain in my arse but I knew why and I did not want to think about it. I was still naked, this time laid on a couch still in the basement. Beside me was a plate with a sandwich on top and some orange juice. I felt like puking and that is exactly what I did, on the other side of the couch because it was too painful to get up. I had marks all over and the stabbing pain I felt on my abdomen and my back was killing me. Jordan was a psychopath. How could he do this without feeling anything? At that point, I felt nothing. I knew I would never run again. Even if Michael found me, there is nothing he could do about what had already been done. I was completely used. I was in pain and the guilt was eating at me. Jordan had done it. He had even carved some words on my hands but it was too painful to lift them and see it. Jordan was not only a psychopath, he was way above the law. If he wasn't the police at the roads would have stopped him when they saw me crying in the backseat but they did not. They just pitifully stared at me  as my birth giver and her boyfriend abducted me. It seemed they knew Jordan pretty well. I did not know why he seemed to have an aura of power. As far as I knew, Jordan was a druggie who looked for a good time with women in bars. But even in Italy, he seemed to command power, even when we landed back in the USA, the car that picked us from the private airport screamed rich which made me wonder if at all Jordan was also part of the Italian mafia. That did not matter though, I knew he would kill me soon, after all, he said he was done with me. He was tired of me, like I was some toy he used when bored. Honestly, I felt like I was and if Jordan wouldn't kill me, I would do everyone the favor of eliminating myself from the surface of the earth. I had never been suicidal but now, I felt like I was.

Third person POV

"I found its track!" Jace said excited. The whole family crowded next to him. Jacob soothing Michael with sweet words.

"Where is it? Where did they stop is it far?" Asked Cain for the first time in days. No one dwelled on it as they waited for Jace's answer. Jace froze as he stared at the computer screen and his heart shattered.

"What is it Clarence?" Blake was annoyed now as Jace turned to them and let out a painful breathe.

"It stopped at the airport....they...they left the country." He stuttered with pain filled tears.

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