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Jacob did not hesitate as soon as he heard what Jason had said. He dealt with importations and had used the International Airport more times than once to export the cars his company made. He would use his connections and wealth if it meant his family would be safe and together once and for all.

"Malcolm." He said as soon as the person on the other end picked up his call.
"Mr Jacob...how can I help you today?" Asked the teller. Jacob cleared his throat and got straight to the point.

"I need you to look at all accounts of plains that took off in the past three days for the name Jordan Ivanov and Martha." Jacob stated calmly. The teller hesitated.

"Sir...I'll have to ask the manager...." He stuttered but Jacob was too exhausted to wait. His boyfriend needed him, if not husband.

"Malcolm it was not a request, it was an order, unless I should withdraw every contribution I have ever made to your workplace. I mean, that would mean it shuts down,so I wouldn't advise you to disagree Malcolm." Jacob said and the teller sighed. He knew Sixty percent of the Airport was constructed by Jacob. He quickly checked all the records and could not find the names given in the records.

"Sir, the names are not on the airport records...unless...." He stopped and and his eyes lit up.

"Unless what?" Asked Jacob concerned.

"Unless he went with the private jet....only one has been used in the past one month and it was to America." Said the teller. Jacob nodded and realised the teller couldn't see him.

"Thank you Malcolm...I'll send you a reward as soon as I settle." He told the teller who blushed a bright red. He always had a crush on Jacob but Jacob never seemed to notice.

"You're welcome sir...and no need, I did it for you." He replied as seductively as he could over the phone. Jacob cleared his throat as a blush crept over his cheeks when he realized Michael had heard the whole conversation. Michael's hopeful smile turned into a frown as he took the phone from Jacob.

"I will send you the reward Malcolm, after all you helped us find our son's whereabouts." Michael sternly said while looking at Jacob. Jacob's eyes widened when he realized Michael had said "our" and not his. His heart beat frantically in his chest and he was scared Blake noticed since he was the nearest. The other kids simply smiled at their father's jealousy.

"Son?" The young teller on the other end questioned confused as Michael sighed.

"This is Jacob's husband, thank you for your services." Said Michael confidently. Jacob's face kept turning a bright red color the more Michael spoke of him as not only a lover but a father to his children.

"Oh! Sorry sir...i...I didn't know sir.." Said the young teller. Michael slightly smiled and took a deep breathe.

"Its OK Malcolm, did they use a private pilot?" Asked Michael trying to get as much info as he could from the young male. He heard keyboard keys being pressed on the other end before Malcolm's voice sounded again.

"Yes....someone by the name Jazzy Williams." He said. Michael gritted his teeth and his jaw ticked. A painful stab in his back. Jazzy had requested a two week leave to go see his parents in Africa Uganda. Turns out one of his trusted men was in on the plan to kidnap his son. Jazzy would not be spared, Michael promised to kill him when he saw him. He had no shame, he had come back and pretended everything was fine, even helped to search for the person he had helped to ship to another country! Michael pressed the intercom to his most trusted man and best friend.

"Leni,bring Jazz in my office now and bring your torture dagger, he has dug his own grave." Michael seethed. Leni knew this had to do with the Mafia's one again lost prince so he responded immediately.

"Yes boss, I will be there in a minute." He stated as he started towards the servant quarters of the compound to fetch Jazz. The family went to Michael's office to wait for Leni to call them or to barge through the door with the traitor. The truth was that the whole family was scared, they thought they would loose Arnold again. Michael however promised himself that he would not let it happen. Jacob hugged Michael close as the other kids soothed each other. They would not let Jazz get away with this.

Jazz had always been the family pilot when they went to far places for vacations. He was also a respected member of the Italian mafia because of the respect and title accorded to him by the Don, Michael Miguel. The mafia would never tolerate betrayal,betrayal meant weakness for the supposed mafia and that was not a risk worth taking, especially with the biggest mafia in Italy. He had to be punished and punish is what Michael would do,probably kill him too. Michael tapped his office desk as he got impatient, why was Leni taking so long? Had Jazz realized they were onto him and escaped? Just as he was about to give up on waiting the intercom sounded.

Leni had done just as the boss had demanded, he rushed to the servant quarters to find the supposed Jazz. Only the guards on duty to guard the compound were not there, the rest of the mafia trustees were either hanging out drinking or playing cards. He could have sworn he saw three guys play strip pocker. He did not care though, his mission was one. Leni stopped at the first door to the right, a room of the Don's left hand man, he was third in command, Levi. He knocked and opened the door when he did not get a response but immediately regretted it. Levi was on the bed fully making out with another guy from the mafia. They shrieked when they saw Leni who just gave a smug smirk and cleared his throat.

"I would like to know where Jazzy Williams is staying." He went straight to the point. The other man was red in the face but Levi seemed like he wouldn't care less.

"Fifth door....and next time Leni, don't enter until I say so you asshole." He grumbled clearly annoyed with the interruption. Leni smiled happily.

"Where'd the fun in that be Lev...thanks anyway...have fun." He chuckled and left closing the door. He rushed down the corridor and knocked about five times with no answer. He turned the door knob and entered the room only to be frozen in place. He placed a call to the intercom and spoke in a shaky voice.

"Sir....Jazzy is dead. Head shot!"

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