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I'd definitely love to dedicate this chapter to talie_s
Literally my greatest supporter so far, i hope this book proves good enough so you'd love it more:) Thanks a lot...I almost gave up but you encouraged me*-*

I hope to finish the book by next week. Thanks for getting me to a hundred reads guys<3

Michaels POV

21 years ago

"Father you called me." Is at across my father in his office. Not that he ever acted as my father. At nineteen my father didn't even know the sports I played in highschool or how my prom went or even my preference when dating. All he did was buy me cars and give me money. He provided everything I wanted except parental love. My mom died when giving birth to me and I know that sort of affected my dad but that was no reason not to give me parental care. I promised myself not to do that to my kids, I knew how lonely it felt sitting at a table waiting for someone who wasn't going to come home anyway.

"Yes I did Michael. You realize you are now 19 years old." He spoke cautiously measuring his words. I nodded.

"Since you have graduated highschool, I thought I can finally hand over the mafia to you." He said. My glare on the wall hardened but I didn't speak. I had been trained for it my whole life anyway. I nodded and looked straight at him.

"If that is all I would like to leave." I said.

"Actually the real reason I called you here was to tell you you are getting married." He said. My eyes widened.

"Huh?" I asked. He cleared his throat and spoke again.

"I said you are getting married. Tomorrow actually." He spoke. So calmly you would think he was telling me I got a promotion.

"I turn nineteen in two months father! Don't you think its too early?" I asked shocked.

He sighed and looked away.

"You have to in order to conquer the western territory, she is the daughter of Romano Charles." He said. I sat up annoyed.

"You want me to marry Martha? I don't love her! She's just a friend to me." But all my pleas fell on deaf ears. I was married off the next day to Martha my childhood best friend. She knew I didn't love her. She planned with our parents and drugged me on our wedding night. The outcome was Blake and Ben. I never regretted getting my babies but I always despised their mother for what she did to me. Two years later, I had just started trusting her again when she drugged me again. They made me crave sex and the out come was Dennis and Daniel. I got frustrated and stayed away from Martha. We stopped sleeping in the same room and I stopped talking to her. I only went home when I was sure she was asleep and left before she woke up. As far as I was concerned she was forcing herself on me. Our children didn't deserve a family where the parents didn't love each other so I started filing for a divorce.

Everything was going well until one day she paid my office secretary to drug me in my evening coffee and yes, the product was another set of twins, Chris and Cain. I knew she couldn't help getting children. She didn't want them, I could tell by how she treated them. She just craved me and wanted to cement our marriage with as many children as possible. I fired my secretary immediately I found out. I think the next time we did it, I was drunk but a couple of weeks later, I found Martha in our master bedroom with Denvan Pennyworth. A teacher at a local Academy. I immediately filed a divorce and bitterly signed it. I mean I didn't love Martha but I had never cheated on her. I felt betrayed. She was my childhood best friend I expected more from her. It created an enmity between Denvan, Martha and I. Then Martha refused to sign the divorce papers. She said I didn't give her attention and she just craved to be loved. The court ruled in her favour and gave us time to decide off we really wanted a divorce. I did, she didn't.

Two months later we found out Martha was pregnant. I doubted if it was mine because I only remembered bits of the night I was drunk. When Arnold was born, one look at him and I knew he was mine. Well of course after a DNA test. He was my first child to be born alone and have my blondish hair and blue eyes, the rest had their mothers blue green eyes but my blonde hair.

I loved him with all my heart just like I loved his brothers. I wanted to shield them from the cruel truth that their parents were almost divorcing. When I found out that Martha kept on cheating on me through the CCTV cameras in our house, I had to divorce her. This time she willingly agreed but I knew she had a trick up her sleeves.

Her lawyer managed to get the court to give her custody of my four year old son who was almost turning five. She claimed he could barely talk and walk and needed his mother so as to grow to full health. That was true but I didn't want any of my sons with Martha. She got half my wealth. She just didn't know Denvan was using her to get the wealth. He convinced her and they built the Denvan Private Academy with MY money. He then divorced her and left her poor. She got into addiction, and the rest of the story ended with him telling me My Arnold must have been dead by then. I lost hope. I felt drained. I stopped interacting even with my other sons and I regretted it.

I never heard from them ever again, until his careless son trespassed on my property and gave me a lead right to my son locked in a janitors closet. I decided then and there that I wouldn't let My Arnold go ever again. I couldn't be more thankful for dads idea that every Miguel heir was to have a tattoo of the later M on their neck. It led me right to my son! He looked weak,he had scars and burns and Marks and I decided I would hurt everyone who hurt him.

He didn't recognize us when we brought him home, he must have forgotten everything. From the way he behaved I think he had trauma. Our family doctor had checked him out and said he suffered amnesia for being abused at a very young age. Clearly it hadn't stopped. I felt bad for not being there for him. Now he was seventeen. I missed twelve years of his life, I wouldn't lose anymore. Atleast that was what i thought until he begged to go back home. Even after all those years, I still couldn't deny my little prince anything. I ordered Alfred to take him home and figure out his address so I could still get to him at any time and Alfred never disappointed me. He was a second father to me. He got it and I realized it was in the poor sides of the city. Damn it Martha. How dare she treat my prince like his father didn't have enough money to buy an island and everything he wanted.  I thought I lost him again until I got a call at 10:42pm that night. And when I heard my son's hoarse voice, I was already out of my sit and taking my car keys.

Any POV that you guys want??

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