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Chris' POV.

I wanted to stay at the hospital with Arnold, I felt like I had to. We had just gotten back and now this! Martha really did not have a heart. When the doctor sensed that Arnold's vitals were becoming erratic, he told us he might be waking up. That was two shocking news in just one day. You must be wondering the first. It was that the good looking man beside dad was Jacob Manner, dad's lover. I was a little guarded and so I waited to see my brothers' reactions. Although I knew they had openly accepted that Arnold was gay, I wasn't sure how it'd be for me. I sighed and stepped back but what Ben and Blake did surprised as all. They gave  Jacob a firm hug. I heard them whisper something along the lines of don't hurt our dad to him. I agreed with them. If dad was happy then we had every right to be. Daniel and Dennis welcomed him to the family with hugs and soon it was time for Cain and I. We both hugged him but I couldn't stop the woozy feeling in me. I wanted to finally tell my family that Marcus wasn't just some guy whose guts I hated but he was also my lover. I liked him and I wasn't sure how they would react.

It was the only reason I called Emery fag, to get a reaction from them. Well Emery had come up with the plan, we just had to annoy each other till it seemed like I snapped, then he would leave pretending to be upset. My family did not react, well except for my little brother Arnold with his annoyance and revelation. I felt really bad for what I said after he left. Emery burst out laughing that night when I called him. He was clearly amused but I wasn't. I rolled my eyes, perks of having a best friend who was gay. Emery also hadn't failed to recognize how good looking Arnold was and how incredibly handsome he was. He said Arnold had been trying to make a move on him all night but I had warned Emery, he wasn't allowed to date anyone in my family.

Don't get me wrong, I loved him and he was awesome and good looking but I learn with Emery and befriended him since childhood enough to know he was no little than his brother Kennedy in the man-whore sphere. They were both good looking and used it to break hearts. I wouldn't let Arnold be a part of that. Anyway all that happened in the past. Now as we stood hugging in hospital after the good news of his awakening, my brothers immediately said they wanted to go plan a surprise party, I looked at the time, at 2am??? However, I didn't go with them, I waited till dad and Jacob were alone and walked up to them.

"Hey dad, can I stay with you guys? I wanna see him wake up." I gave my best puppy dog eyes and boy was I glad my father always fell victim to our puppy dog charm.

"Of cause you can sugar, you go with Jacob to get us drinks, you know Arnold's favorite right? And you guys can bond." Said dad and I nodded smiling. I could tell Jacob made him happy. We walked to the cafeteria and bonded with Jacob and when he was to go back with the drinks I had to use the restroom, so I told him to go ahead of me. I got to the wardrobe just after dad introduced Jacob to Arnold.

Arnold was so quiet I could see dad starting to get nervous as he stared at Jacob.

"Well that's uhmmm....." Arnold swallowed and gave Jacob a once over. "Nice...." He almost whispered causing dad to chuckle.

"Hey don't crush on my man, you gonna get yours!." Dad laughed and we all laughed with him. Arnold suddenly sat up.

"Speaking of which, can I go see Have dad? Please!!! I really like him and....." Dad shushed him and nodded.

"Of course you can, I noticed that." He smiled at Arnold who smiled back. Dad asked the nurse to bring a wheelchair and place Arnold on it. I pushed the wheelchair towards the other wing where Jace was and after about fifteen minutes, we were there. We asked for his ward room and without knocking we entered and I wanted to keep Arnold from what he was about to see but it had already happened. Jace let out a shriek and the guy he was kissing turned around smugly. His expression turned to shock however when he saw Arnold. Did they know each other?

"Arnold?" The guys eyes softened and I could have sworn they welled up in tears. Arnold tugged my shirt and I knew right away it was time to go.

"Can we just go?" He whispered cracking and I knew he was about to cry, we rushed out and thankfully our bodyguards had already packed outside. Even with the guy shouting Arnold's name behind us, no one turned back. The guards held him back from following us any further but he kept shouting that he was sorry,for what? I did not know. By the sound Arnold was crying and I bet he couldn't hear the guy. I did not want to ask him so many questions so all four of us entered a black SUV and Alfred gave us a silent nod to acknowledge us. His eyes fell on Arnold and it was enough for him not to ask how our night was. He started the car and drove us home immediately, Jace had broken my brother without even trying! That piece of shit! He knew Arnold saved him, and by how Stephanie described their first meeting, he clearly knew my brother liked him! Where was his boy toy when his father was beating the gay out of him. And that wasn't even pun intended, it was literally true. Everyone had always ignored Matt Mowen's abuse towards his only son except Arnold and this is how the said son pays our kind little brother, I mean I couldn't blame him. He did not know we were coming but at least he knew Arnold saved him. I sighed as Alfred packed the car and opened the doors wishing us a goodnight. We went into the elevator and entered the house. I wouldn't let anyone else hurt him, not again.

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