5: Going back home.

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I settled in the back sit of the black car. It was huge and smelt of new leather and lavender. I took a deep breathe. The chauffer was a fifty year old or more. He spared me a glance and cleared his throat.

"Mr Arnold may I know our destination?" He questioned. I winced when he called me Mr.

"Its just Arnold Alfred, and I live in West street gate 8." I said softly. He gave a firm nod as he started the car.

"We will be stopping at a McDonalds on our way there. Sir Chris loves to eat there, I hope you will too." He said. I don't think I realized I nodded subconsciously but the next thing I knew, we were at a McDonalds drive through. He ordered for me since I had never been there before and before I could pay, he took out a platinum card and paid for me. Then what was the point of the two hundred dollars in my back pocket?

"Mr Miguel let's me carry it everywhere in case one of the kids forgets his cash or card..." He chuckled and paused for a bit. "Sometimes even he forgets his cards..he is such a cute man baby." He chuckled and added. "Don't tell him I called him that." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. He seemed like a great guy.

"Thanks...for paying." I said. He waved it off.

"Don't mention it. Anything for a Miguel." He said. OK....whatever that means.

"You seem pretty close to them." I said trying to keep up the conversation.

"Let's just say I was a nanny to Mr Miguel when he had just been born." He chuckled. My eyes widened.

"The dad? Isn't he like thirty five now?" I asked. Alfred let out a chuckle.

"He is forty and yes him. I was just twenty when he was born and his father was a busy man." He spoke. I nodded.

"So you're sixty now?" I asked. He nodded.

"I know am still handsome as can be." He laughed. I nodded. Couldn't argue with that.

"So you help them kidnap people or something? " I asked. He threw his head back and laughed.

"No I don't. Am just a chauffer." He spoke.

I kept quiet after that realizing I did not know where we were completely.

"You know you remind me of Marcus." He suddenly spoke. I turned to him as he entered the highway and accelerated.

"Your son?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head no.

"Chris's boyfriend." He said. My eyes widened.

"Oh!" Was all I managed to say.

"Yeah they have been dating for six months but he moved to England Chris hasn't been the same since." He spoke. I was interested so he went on to tell me about Chris and his boyfriend and their funny relationship and how he always snuck Chris out to meet him. He even told me about the one time he bought Chris plane tickets to the UK but his dad cancelled the flight when he found out. I guess that was why Chris was on edge when he met me. I swallowed as we approached our poor neighbourhood. I was near home and it was almost eight. Mom would not be happy. I asked Alfred to drop me farther up the road so that mom wouldn't see me get out of a car. Alfred insisted I take Michael's number who was apparently the dad so that I can call if I need anything. I don't think kidnappers do that but I assumed it was because they felt guilty for taking the wrong person. I mean considering I was in a rich private school, maybe they thought my parents were rich. Little did they know! I rushed to our front door and gave a firm knock hoping mom wasn't with any of her boyfriends. There was no answer. I knocked again but mom didn't answer.

I took a wild guess and thought she had passed out on the couch so I opened the door. Its lock was Brocken anyway. I entered the house to find it so dirty. Dirtier than it was in the morning but no sign of mom in the living room. Mom never slept out so maybe she was in her room. I decided to clean up before going to check up on her. The house was beyond dirty. The sitting room had bottles of beer piled up in front of the sofa and some were Brocken with a red liquid. I guess she fought with her boyfriend again. I switched off the stereo and started cleaning up. After I made sure the sitting room was clean, I went to the kitchen to do the dishes. The fridge was empty and the trash can was too full. I took it out and silently thanked Alfred for feeding me. I dried the dishes and when I was done I arranged the cabinets. One was broken so I had to fix it.

I made sure their was floor and eggs to make mom pancakes the next day. She loved them. After I was done, I slowly walked up the stairs headed to my moms room. I really hoped she wasn't with one of her boyfriends, I called them that because I didn't want to think my mom was a person who sold her body. She was pretty after all. I walked over to her door but didn't hear her faint snoring. Something was definitely wrong. I knocked but there was no answer. Twice! I opened the door and froze my mind went blank and it was only then that I saw the red trail of blood from the top of the stairs to moms door. Mom lay on the ground unconscious. Blood was pooling beneath her head and she wasn't breathing. I rushed to her and felt for a pulse. I didn't even know how to look for one.

"Come on mom! Wake up!" I yelled shaking her but she still lay limp on the floor. Tears pooled in my eyes as I stared at my dying mom then I remembered the only phone number I had apart from mom's and Willow's. Michael! I quickly dialled his phone and I was too weak to speak much. He picked up after the second ring and all I managed to say was.

"Help its Arnold....mom...blood..." My mouth was sore dry and my voice husky I bet they thought I was the one dying. Before I heard anything else, darkness took over and I fell back.

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