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My eyes fluttered open, my vision was blurred as I tried to figure out where I was. It wasn't that hard if am being honest. I would've praised Jordan and Martha for outsmarting the mafia security back at Michael's home but taking me back to the basement I had spent twelve years tortured in would be a stupid move,but what did I expect when it came to Martha? That she had grown brains in less that a year since I left? No she did not, and the basement smelt as foul as it did months before. Sometimes o wondered how such a wonderful man as Michael found Martha, but then again....not to blow my own trumpet but I also met a demon in the name of Jeremy. And he did say the marriage was arranged, so it made sense. As soon as the door opened, I flinched because of the light that flooded into the room. A staggering mom and a malicious looking Jordan entered. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. She was back to alcohol as soon as she left rehab. For some reason I was more confident this time. I knew the Miguels would look for meas soon as the found out I was missing. I knew they cared about me so for some odd reason, I had a warm feeling in me that they would look for me,no matter what. I looked at the two figures walking to me and let out a breathe. Eventually, I had to face them.

"Hwy sweetie, did you miss mommy and daddy?" Jordan questioned with that annoying smirk of his.

"You're not my dad you pervert!" I shot back and he was not too pleased with my response.

"So Michael has poisoned another one of my kids minds...fuck him and his gay ass!" Shouted Martha annoyed. Wait, so she knew he is gay?. Jordan held my chin so tightly I almost cried.

"They seem to be feeding you so well love, I might want to see how it has helped." He smirked licking his lips. He then turned to mom and sighed.

"Am gonna go get the equipment, you make sure his clever ass does not escape!" He said and left. Mom turned to me her eyes teary.

"Am sorry, I tried...I fucking tried to make him love me! But what did he do? He had the audacity to show me his lover,A MAN!! Do you know how much I tried to keep our marriage together? He did not even pleasure me! But you knkw what? Am glad that Today Jordan is gonna break someone so important to him, he will break you and no one will be able to fix you." She said chuckling darkly just as Jordan came back. I stiffened. Condoms and handcuffs and chains. Jordan's eyes looked happy as he slowly descended the set of stairs.

"Martha,leave!" He said and Martha did not hesitate to. So much for mothers protect their sons. Jordan immediately cuffed my already tied up hands making me screech in pain due to the pain of the ropes cutting my wrists. He however got me off the chair and pushed me to the ground. He took a pair of scissors from his pocket and started cutting my clothes off. He then stopped me from screaming with duct tape. He chained my legs to some hooks on either side of the wall and unbuckled his belt. At that very moment, I knew mom was right. Jordan would break me completely this time, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Not even Michael.


Michael's POV

"What the fuck do you mean he was seated alone?" I asked Cain's girlfriend who seemed to be the only person who saw my son before the kidnap.

"He said he was waiting for you guys!" She screeched.

This girl was pissing me off more, it was not enough that she had my ex wife's name, she just had to go ahead and not convince Arnold to sit at the front where he would be safe. My men were shivering as I lost my cool, Blake had to take control of the operation, I could not lose my tesoro again. It had been three days since Arnold magically disappeared from the basketball arena leaving not even a CCTV footage behind.  I was frustrated and angry and I felt so damn weak at that very moment. Everyone was on edge. Whoever had kidnapped my son would die.

"Boss, a kid wants to see you." One of my men rushed into the conference room where currently only my family and Martha were at.

"What do you mean a kid wants to see me? Are you not aware my SON is missing?" I boomed. He cowered in fear and I resisted the urge to scoff. Most feared men indeed.

"Sir,he wants to help..." He stuttered and I looked at him.

"Who is he?" I asked. He paused for a while,clearly nervous when the door slightly opened again and I heard a small voice.

"Its me Mr Miguel, i wanna help find Arnold." I looked up and my eyes flared as my lack of sleep seemed to catch up with me.

"You? The boy who made my son cry? Why would I need your help Jace Mowen?" I gritted. He looked at me straight in the eye and for a moment I saw a determined side to Jace that I had never seen. I did not know if it would be good to involve him in this. After all,his father was not a friend if mine, more an associate and since we did not know who kidnapped my son, anyone could be a suspect, even the smallest mafia in Italy. Though I knew Jace was the outcast in his family, his father was never proud of him because he was gay, that was part of the reason why I never got along with his stupid father. Jace stepped further into the room and cleared his throat.

"Because am in love with your son sir." He said confidently.

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