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"What the hell did you do to him you psycho?" The bulky man seemed still trapped in a trance of me entering the bathroom without knocking because it took him almost two minutes to look at Jace and sneer.

"He is pretending Master Arnold." He rolled his eyes. Did he just call me master.

"How are you supposed to know that, are you a doctor.....AND abuser?" I glared at him as he sighed completely forgetting he called me master. I turned back to Jace.

"Am gonna get him to a doctor before reporting you to the police." I said starting to walk away, carrying Jace bridal style, he wasn't even half the weight he was supposed to be.

"Mr Arnold, it'd be best if you leave me to handle my own son." The bulky man calmly stated blocking my way and it took me a moment to realize what he had just said.

"Son? You're his father? And you treat him this way?" I asked shocked and starting to tremble. Emotions flooded in me, ones I did not want to remember as I stood near the door looking at the tall man.

"He should learn to be manly If he ever wants to survive in the mafia world, but I just had to give birth to a faggot!" He said looking away and anger swelled up in me.

"So you beat your son up in the bathrooms during occasions to train him to be a man? And you still don't see how sick of a bastard you are?" I questioned now full on glaring at him. He glared back.

"What am I supposed to do huh? Mafia princesses don't marry boys who can't look at a massacre without puking, or boys who can't shoot someone in the head without fearing! If he can't protect his own wife and children, how will he protect his territory?" He asked annoyed.
"That's all that matters to you huh?" I questioned him also annoyed.

"Its sad such fragile and beautiful people have to be born in such unruly families." I spoke and just as I spoke a slap sounded and a burning followed in my cheek and it was only then that I realized he had just slapped me,and pretty hard.

"You can defend faggots all you want but do not....I repeat...DO NOT mock my family Mr Arnold, I respect your father's territory I expect nothing but the same from you! He is my son, I made him come to this earth and if I decide that I want him off it I can do that!" He said angry and flaring.

"So now you want to also play the role of God huh?" I questioned and chuckled darkly.

"You don't have a right to ask me my role in my son's life!" He answered just as I set Jace down, this would get ugly real quick and I knew it.

"You know people like you are the most pathetic in this world in general, preying on innocent and fragile souls just to get the satisfaction of 'manliness' by breaking them. It is so sad that you think just because you are attracted to women, have muscles and go to the GYM on a daily basis. Just because you can hold a gun straight and just because you don't have blood trauma you are the most manly person on earth." I said crossing my arms. "In reality....sir, you are the weakest people and you could get life imprisonment for hurting your child like this." I said pointing to the unconscious bundle on the floor.

"Seems like your father didn't teach you mafia law....lemme ask you Arnold, why are you so concerned about him? Are you just like him? Are you a faggot?" He questioned and my last string snapped as I punched him square on the jaw and watched him fall back. It made me happy to see blood trickle from his lips but I did not stop there, I knelt beside him and delivered blow after blow, willing him to black out so that he would know the pain Jace experienced. I watched him plead me to stop but I did not. I would not kill him but I would make sure the next time he thinks of touching Jace he will regret it. I punched him till my vision blurred and when he asked me to have mercy, I glared at him.

"Doesn't feel so good to be on the other side of the rope huh?" I questioned angry and annoyed. I stood up leaving him bleeding and on the verge of unconsciousness and walked straight to Jace who was still unconscious and on the floor. I picked him up and rushed out of the bathroom, my main goal was to get him to hospital safely. I stepped on the stairs softly not wanting to trip as I tired to rush downstairs in a fast pace but my vision started to blur before I got downstairs. I looked at Jace, he looked so Angelic, I couldn't imagine anyone hurting him talk more of insulting him. Even as I looked at the boy in my arms I had already decided my fate, I would protect him if it is the last thing I do, dating him would just be a cherry on top if he likes me back. I smiled at the thought and tried to clear my vision as I got to the bottom of the stairs. The room full of murmuring immediately went silent as I stopped and black dots started to cover my vision. I had to admit, I wasn't feeling too good, I bet the man managed to throw a good punch on my head. The next thing I heard was Blake's voice.

"Arnold whats going on? Why are you holding Jace?" He questioned taking Jace from me but I whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Needs hospital...." I panted out as my vision became even more darkened as I tried to reach for Jace.

"Clearly you both do...." And that was the last thing I heard before black dots completely covered my vision and I fell into someone's arms behind me.

The lost Mafia princeWhere stories live. Discover now