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We sat at the dining table having our breakfast when Tony forwarded me pictures of Jeremy and some red haired girl kissing and messages that were seriously explicit. I assumed the girl was Stacey. He told me he had sent the photos to Daniel too, and that Daniel wouldn't know who had sent them. I appreciated him. It had been two weeks since our plan started and we were waiting for the perfect time to execute it. I watched Daniel unlock his phone after hr got a notification and his face turned from an innocent smile to a frown and then to anger in a matter of seconds. I had to take Tony to Dennis' shop later so we had to finish with Daniel as soon as possible. Daniel dropped his fork and I saw the pain in his face as he stood up from the table.

"Scusa!" He spoke in Italian and left the table in a hurry. Dad stared at his son shocked and worried. I was the only one in the table who knew what was happening. After Daniel went upstairs, I explained what Stephanie had told me some days before to them and they all seemed shocked when they saw Stacey and Jeremy's photos. Chris tilted his head when he saw Jeremy on the photo.

"Isn't that the guy from the hospital?" He questioned already gritting his teeth.

"Yeah, its Jeremy Trent, remember? His father borrowed capital from us to start his Italian business." Said Blake and my eyes widened. Oh!

"I new him back in high school." I said softly but I didn't speak more and I guess they understood I didn't want to talk about it.

"Well he messed with the wrong family either way." Jacob chimed in and I smiled at how he acknowledged himself as a Miguel.

"Am gonna go talk to Dan..." Said Dennis standing up. I stood up too.

"I will go too, he needs to know that it should be a relief Stacey is out of his life." I said as we walked towards the stairs. We didn't bother knocking Daniel's door, we knew he wouldn't answer so we just entered. Daniel lay with his face facing the pillow and I could tell he was crying. We sat on either side of the bed.

"Hey Dan?" Dennis spoke first causing Daniel to groan but he didn't turn. "We know what happened, Stacey is a jerk dude, you shouldn't cry over her!" Said Dennis. Daniel didn't speak for a while.

"Hmong mph mm shteshh..". He said. We couldn't hear him because the pillow muffled his words.

"We cant hear you buddy." Dennis calmly spoke running a hand around his twin. Daniel turned his eyes bloodshot and still crying.

"I said,am not crying because of Stacey!" He said trying to wipe his tears and failing. "Am I not good enough Den?" He asked. My eyes widened. What? "I mean, I liked Stephanie, she sent Stacey to tell me she wasn't interested! I forced my self to love Stacey and look what she does!" He kept crying and I felt a panic in my chest.

"Wait, did you say you liked Stephanie?" I asked. He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, she doesn't like me back." He seemed dejected. I stared at him bewildered.

"Are you kidding me? Stephanie has a massive crush on you!" I said shocked. He blinked and stared at me.

"What?" He seemed confused. I went ahead to tell him how we had come up with the plan and all that Stephanie had told me. Daniel was pleasantly shocked after hearing the news.

"So Stephanie likes me?" He asked like a puppy and I nodded.

"I should give you her phone number because this is clearly a misunderstanding between you two." I said searching for Stephanie's number on my contact list. I read it out To Daniel who was pretty much so excited as he hugged both Dennis and I asked we left the room.

"Now, you need to give Tony a tattoo since I promised him." I told Dennis when we were outside Daniel's room. He smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

"I guess it is the list I can do after what he has done for my brother, let me just grab my leather jacket so we can leave for the studio." He smiled and I nodded. Things were actually getting better and I was more than grateful for that. I no longer had nightmares and I was happy, for the longest period of my life, I just hoped that it would last.

Dennis' POV

We arrived at the tattoo studio at around twelve midday. I was glad Arnold had organised to help Daniel. I knew Stacey was a cheater but I didn't have evidence. I was more than happy he could finally get the girl he wanted.

"So when is this Tony getting here?" I turned to him and he smiled.
"  He had to take his sister to her friends house for a play date, he will be here by two pm." Arnold said cheerily. I was glad he was back in our lives. Though he didn't have a happy one, he strived to make everyone happy and I would never let anyone hurt my little brother again. Especially after Chris told me what happened at the hospital. Jace didn't know what he was loosing and I wouldn't be the one to tell him.

After an hour of giving Arnold a tattoo of a rose on his left arm which he loved so much and posted on his socials to boost my business, a guy entered the shop. The shop was supposed to be closed on Sundays so there was only one person who could be entering now, Arnold's friend. Arnold rushed to the door, to guide him so he could not wander off and just when they stepped into the office where I was, my breathe hitched. The guy was attractive!

He had brown pretty eyes and the longest lashes I had seen on a boy. He wasn't too muscled but he was lean and a bit tall but shorter than me. He wore full black and had black messy hair. Just my type.

"Dennis?" Arnold called me and I looked up shocked at him as he spoke the next words making my cheeks turn pink.

"You're drooling!" He said and Tony chuckled and winked at me. I swear my heart stopped.

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