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Mubin slumped in his chair, the weight of the online therapy session pressing down on him. "People just... they keep hurting me," he rasped, his voice thick with unshed tears. "My whole life has been one misery after another. Now I can't help but feel like this is it, this is how my story ends." He slammed his fist on the desk, a flicker of anger sparking through the despair. "Is this true, Doc? Am I doomed to this never-ending unhappiness? Won't I ever get my happy ending?"

The therapist's calm voice, meant to be soothing, grated on Mubin's raw nerves. "Focus on the present, Mubin," he said gently. "Happiness may come, or it may not. We can only control our now." It was a diplomatic answer, but it offered Mubin no comfort. He ended the call with a hollow click, the black screen mirroring the emptiness he felt inside.

He sat there for a while, lost in the silence, until a sudden urge pulled him towards the balcony. Rain lashed against the windows, a melancholic rhythm that echoed the storm raging within him. Tears blurred his vision as he watched the world turn grey, mirroring the bleakness in his heart. A sigh escaped his lips, heavy with resignation.

Back inside, his fingers drifted towards his phone on autopilot. Scrolling through his Facebook feed, a single post jumped out, arresting his gaze: "There are no sad endings for those who trust in Allah." The words struck him with the force of a revelation. A sob escaped his throat, raw and uncontrolled. But amidst the tears, a flicker of warmth ignited within him. Was it really that simple? Could the answer he'd been desperately searching for all this time be summed up in a single sentence?

A hesitant smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He wiped away his tears, a newfound determination replacing the despair. He rose and walked towards the washroom, his steps lighter than before. As he began his wudu, the Quranic verse echoed in his mind: "Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest," (Surah Ar-Ra'd, 13:28). Perhaps, just perhaps, there was hope after all.

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