# Short story 09

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Hamza paced back and forth in the room, his tension palpable. Every so often, his gaze drifted to his peacefully sleeping pregnant wife. "What should I do? Should I inform the police or let things unfold as they are?" he muttered to himself. "It could harm so many children. But if I speak up, I risk losing my job. And at this stage, I can't afford that." He sighed, his conscience refusing to remain silent. His shoulders slumped, and he rested his head in his hand. At that moment, a gentle hand touched his shoulder, and he looked up to see Labiba, his wife, awake and concerned."What's wrong, Hamza?" Labiba asked, sensing his distress. Hamza, unable to contain himself any longer, poured out his worries to her. He revealed the truth about his boss at the pharmaceutical company, who was endangering children's lives by using cheap chemicals in medicine. When Hamza confronted his boss, he was threatened not only with job loss but also with harm to Labiba and their unborn child.Labiba listened intently, then spoke with resolve, "You should report this to the media, Hamza. They're playing with the lives of many children." Hamza hesitated, fearing for his family's safety. Labiba sighed and quoted,

 "And you feared the people, while Allāh has more right that you fear Him." (Quran 33:37) With those words, she conveyed her trust in Allah to protect them. And, Hamza got all his answers.


Soon after, breaking news announced the closure of UMX Pharmaceutical due to their endangerment of children's lives. Hamza watched the report and turned off the TV. He approached the baby cradle where their newborn daughter lay. Labiba was still asleep. He lifted the baby girl, a smile spreading across his face. Labiba woke up, and Hamza handed her their child.Both smiled at their new addition, overwhelmed with gratitude. "Thank you," Hamza murmured to Labiba. She smiled back, expressing her happiness but also concern for their future without his job. As they admired their daughter, Hamza couldn't shake off the worry about finances."And rely upon Allāh; and sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs." (Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 3), Labiba reminded him, and Hamza couldn't help but smile. "I'm grateful to Allah for making you the coolness of my eyes," he said. Labiba reciprocated the sentiment."I've chosen a name for our princess," Hamza announced. "What?" Labiba inquired, curious. "Quarratul Ain," he said, kissing the baby's forehead. "She is Qurratul Ain, the coolness of both our eyes." Hamza declared, and Labiba smiled in agreement.


My Instagram id : auth_farzana_tutul

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