#islamic short stories 11

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You've forsaken prayer because it seemingly went unanswered. Abandoned supplication because your pleas seemed unheard. Now, doubts gnaw at you, questioning the very existence of Allah. Alina, you've fallen into the depths of despair, likening yourself to a devil. Reflect on your life - how many times have you obeyed Allah's commands? And how many times have you turned away? Despite it all, Allah did not snatch your breath, halt your heartbeat, or paralyze your limbs. He did not rob your sight or deafen your ears. Your veins still pulsed with life; you were not deprived of sustenance. Even before your birth, He did not forsake you. He orchestrated the intricate workings of your mother's womb, nurturing you there. Upon your emergence, He imbued your mother with maternal love, guiding her to cradle and nurture you. As you matured, He provided through your father, fulfilling your every need.

"So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?" (Surah Ar-Rahman, verse 61)

Yet, in the face of such grace, what have you done? Arrogantly, you've claimed entitlement to it all. How often have you offered gratitude for His blessings? How many tears of appreciation have you shed before Him?

It's no great feat that your breath wasn't snatched away, lightning didn't strike you, nor were you reduced to dust each time you erred.

"All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: 'Be!' And it is!" (Surah Yaseen, verse 82)

But Allah is merciful. He grants us time. And even in remorse, should you call upon Him, seeking forgiveness, He will pardon you. 

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allāh. Indeed, Allāh forgives all sins.1 Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." Surah Az-Zumar verse 53

He will cleanse your sins as if you were newly born, untainted, and pure.

So, Alina, think carefully before it's too late. Reflect on the blessings of Allah, the mercy He has shown you despite your shortcomings. Consider the path you are on and the consequences of your actions. Turn back to Allah with sincerity, seeking His forgiveness and guidance. It's never too late to return to the right path and seek redemption.

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