#Islamic short stories 12

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Rabeya scrolled mindlessly through her Instagram feed, the glow of the screen illuminating her tired face. An Islamic post caught her eye: "Fajr is an amazing prayer, a chance to greet the day with the remembrance of Allah. When you wake for no other reason but to worship Him, you've found life's purpose." She tapped "like" and absentmindedly shared it on Facebook before diving back into the social media vortex.

Suddenly, another post stopped her cold.

  "O believers! Why do you say what you do not do?" 

The verse from Surah As-Saff pierced through her indifference. Shame washed over her in waves. She barely prayed Fajr, the early morning call to prayer often serving as a cruel reminder of her shortcomings. A knot of guilt tightened in her stomach as she scrolled further.

  "Surely Allah is ever Watchful over you," another verse echoed on the screen. Rabeya's throat constricted. A choked sob escaped her lips as a single word tumbled out, 


Tears welled up in her eyes. In that moment, a seed of change was sown. The days that followed were filled with a newfound determination. The call to Fajr no longer felt like a burden, but a gentle invitation. She embraced the five daily prayers, their rhythm grounding her and bringing a sense of peace she hadn't known before.

One morning, amidst the familiar verses shared online, a new one resonated with her: "But it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided." (Surah Al-Qasas, verse 56). A genuine smile spread across Rabeya's lips and a newfound faith filled her heart.

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