#Short story 8

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Isra sat at her study table, a heavy weight of loneliness settling on her chest. Her parents, consumed by their own struggles, rarely had time for her. The absence of siblings only amplified the quiet ache. As always, Isra sought solace in the vast expanse of the sky, visible through her window. It was a familiar ritual, her gaze reaching upwards as if yearning for ease from the Almighty. Today, the feeling of isolation was particularly sharp. With a deep breath, she opened the Quran, hoping for a whisper of guidance. 

The first verse her eyes fell upon sent a jolt through her: "We see you oft turning your face towards the sky..." (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 144).

 Tears welled up in her eyes, not from sadness this time, but from a profound sense of connection. She had heard whispers of Allah speaking through the Quran, and today, it felt like a direct answer to her silent plea. A gentle smile curved her lips. In that single verse, she found not just comfort, but a powerful sense of being seen and understood

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