#Short story 5

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Ten-year-old Zaem bounced into the living room, his curiosity burning bright. He found his father engrossed in the newspaper, sunlight dappling his face. "Dad," Zaem blurted, "what's the secret to success? I want to be successful just like you!"

His father chuckled, lowering the newspaper. Years etched on his face seemed to soften as he met his son's eager gaze. A gentle hand ruffled Zaem's hair. "Success," he began thoughtfully, "is a journey, not a destination. But there is something that can guide you along the way..."

Anticipation crackled in the air as Zaem leaned closer. His father's voice, warm and reassuring, filled the room. "And remember Allah often so you may be successful." he recited, a verse from the Quran echoing in their small living space. (Surah Al-Jumu'ah, verse 10)

A spark ignited in Zaem's eyes. This was the secret - remembering Allah. Not just a fleeting thought, but a constant presence in his heart and actions. His father placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "This, my son, will bring you success, not just in this world, but in the Hereafter as well."

Decades rolled by, and the young boy with inquisitive eyes had become a man of purpose. Mr. Zaem stood before a sea of cameras, his name etched in the annals of success. A seasoned reporter thrust a microphone forward. "Mr. Zaem," he inquired, "you've earned a place among the world's top 100 entrepreneurs. What's the secret to your remarkable achievements?"

A smile, both humble and knowing, spread across Mr. Zaem's lips. "There's no single formula," he began, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "But one thing has always been my compass: remembering Allah, seeking His guidance in every step I take."

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