Chapter 5 (Ethan)

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I woke up a few hours ago to see Aurelia was still sleeping. I went up onto the deck of the ship to get some fresh air. I slept for just a few hours and was still tired but decided It was useless to keep trying to sleep when I knew it wasn't going to help anyway. I was eating an apple as I stared into the distance, it was peaceful and quiet out on the sea which I always enjoyed. ''Hey'' I heard somebody say behind me. I turned around to see a young woman probably younger than me standing there. She had beautiful olive skin and golden blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes i'd ever seen. ''Where you able to get some sleep?'' she asked. I knew Aurelia was young but I hadn't expected her to be this young nor this beautiful. She looked so innocent not at all what I expected her to look like, it almost made me forget that she was an assassin and a good one two. But it was because of the hood she kept wearing that made her look way more intimidating and more like an assassin then the way she looked now. She rose a brow at me expecting me to answer her question. ''Uh yea I was able to get a bit of sleep.'' I answered. She just started at me with no emotion I wasn't at all able to tell what was going on inside her head. She walked a bit closer and leaned onto the railing and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her lashes brushed her cheeks and her golden waves blew in the wind. I just stared at her not sure what to do with myself I was frozen in place mesmerized. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at me. ''Is something wrong?'' she asked. I felt my face flush with color I was sure she saw me staring at her. ''No nothings wrong.'' I quickly said. She narrowed her eyes at me ''If you say so'' she said and turned to look at the water again. What the hell was I doing? Fawning over some assassin girl who would probably kill me if i just made the wrong movement. Gods above save me already because this was going to be a hell of a few months. 

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