Chapter 4- Dracos Secret

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It had been a week after the meeting with the Dark Lord . Draco hardly came out of his room and when he did he never spoke to me for father would always be around giving me stern looks. It began to anger me that I was the only one unaware of what was going on with him.

One day it finally clicked. How did I not realise this before. Draco was dressed up because he was going to the meeting. A cold chill ran down my spine and goosebumps appeared. No wonder he's been acting so distant . Draco is now a follower of  Voldemort. The idea made me feel sick.

I waited until my father left to go to the ministry and my mother was busy doing something to confront Draco.

I ran upstairs and barged into his room. He jumped a little and relaxed when he realised it was me. I paused and stared at him.

" What do you want Ari " he said , breaking the building tension in the air.

" What did he ask you to do " I said sharply , not breaking eye contact.

"What ? " Draco responded in a confused tone.

" Drop the act , I know you went to the meeting." I said , raising  my voice slightly 

Before he could respond I yelled again

" How could you ? " tears began to form in my eyes " Why did you join him . What happened to us being in it together ? Was that all just a joke to you ? "

" I thought I knew you" I said blankly as tears rolled down my cheeks " clearly I was wrong"

I stared at Draco with disgust and turned to leave. Before I could  he grabbed me firmly on the shoulder and pulled me back.

" Do you think I wanted this ?" He shouted , tears also forming in his eyes ." You will  never understand what I have been asked to do"

Anger bubbled inside of me and Dracos face scrunched up.  He gripped on harder to my shoulder and looked at me sharply.

" You have no idea " he said whilst shaking his head . Before I had chance to fight back he pulled up his sleeve , revealing a black snake like tattoo.

I stumbled back and stared in fear. My throat began to close up and tears rolled even faster. My heart pounded.

" Now you see !" Draco said quietly .

He covered up his arm and looked at me .

" Get out " he said bluntly, refusing to look me in the eye

Before I could speak I ran out and slammed the door behind me. If I knew he had the dark mark I wouldn't have been so harsh on him , I wished I never went in his room in the first place.

I ran downstairs into the library . I saw my mother sat reading peacefully next to the beaming fire. Tears continued to stream down my face. She looked up from her book and saw me.

" Ari " she said nervously whilst opening her arms and inviting me for a hug .

I couldn't speak. I ran into her arms and laid against her. I could tell she was concerned as she stroked my back .

"Shh, shh" she said softly as I began to cry into her arms ." It's ok , I'm here"

Whenever I was upset I always went to my mother. She was the one person I could tell anything to without the fear of being judged. I was quite an emotional person so she was used to comforting me .

" What's the matter" she said softly whilst wiping my eyes with a tissue.

I just shook my head and snuggled back into her arms.

" It's ok. You can tell me another time" she said smiling.

I lay in her arms for what felt like ages, a blanket was placed over me and not long after I fell asleep on her. I remember waking up in the same position, my mother hadn't moved an inch and I loved her for that.

Later I heard my father arrive home. He walked into the room and looked at me astonished.

" Whatever is the matter with you " he said shocked."You look a mess"

Even though that  seemed harsh of him to say, it was true I was a mess. My eyes had mascara smudged underneath from crying , my cheeks were all red and puffy and my hair was all tatted.

I sniffed and sat up. I tried to apologise but my mother responded for me.

" She's just feeling a little emotional darling " she said to Lucius, glaring at him slightly .

" Why don't you go get changed into your nightwear whilst I get supper ready" my mother whispered softly into my ear.

She hugged me one more time and let me go get dressed. I'd never been allowed to eat supper in my pyjamas before so I was looking forwards to my father's reaction. I went to my room and got dressed  , avoiding making any sound as I walked past Dracos room. I quickly brushed my hair and fixed my makeup. Nimsy came to tell me supper was ready. I waited a bit to avoid bumping into Draco , but he must of had the same idea because we both stepped out of our rooms at the same time.

I noticed he was also in his nightwear and sighed . I walked toward the dining room which was on the same floor as the bedrooms. I sat down silently next to my mother. Draco sat next to my father on the other side of the table. I was directly opposite him but thankfully it was a large table so we weren't too close. Supper was roast chicken with posh sides such as cranberry caviar and saffron gravy. I helped my self to some chicken and gravy. But I wasn't hungry.

Before we were about to depart father received a letter from Nimsy . Father scowled at the elf and opened the letter with a knife. He stared at it before getting our attention.

" It just so happens that Bellatrix will be coming to stay with us for a while" he said whilst looking at my mother.

" Nimsy will you set up a guest room for tomorrow " my mother said to the elf . Nimsy nodded and scuttled off.

I hadn't heard much about my aunt. I knew she went to Azkaban and was a death eater but that's about it.

After supper I walked out but stopped to ask my mother something.

" Won't she tell the Dark Lord about me hiding during meetings if she stays with us ? " I said worriedly .

My mother smiled at me and brushed my hair behind my ears. " Don't worry, she may be a death eater but she is loyal to me " 

I went to bed and couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired after my long nap in my mother's arms. I regretted being so harsh to Draco but was still so angry that he is now a death eater. I feared my aunts arrival and hoped she wouldn't be to harsh on me.

Protection, Love, secrets Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat